On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 15:13:48 PM +0100, Gianluca Turconi
> Indeed, the "Issuezilla's Issue" is perhaps as old as the OOo
> project and, IMHO, it doesn't depend on the open source method (as
> it may seem from the article) but on the working flow used inside
> Sun (StarDivision) and how to conciliate it with the external aid
> (QA, patches, add-ons, whatever-you-want).

In my experience, this is not SUN's fault, in the sense that *every* big
FOSS project for the desktop uses some *zilla thing for these
purposes, and *all* of them are designed for *programmers*, i.e. are
too difficult to use for the majority  of desktop users.

> Nevertheless, the acknowledgment that the Project has a problem, it
> doesn't mean the Project (or Open Source as a whole!) is a failure.

Absolutely not. It just mean that the whole system cannot be
described or managed anymore with attitudes and concepts straight from
the 80's, when having any computers on your desktop could only mean
that you were a professional programmer or a very competente and
dedicated hobbist.

> If we (the Volunteer's Community)

sorry, but this is probably the biggest danger and misunderstanding (or
illusion?) of all. And again, everything below applies both to OO.o
and to any FOSS program.

"We" and "the [oo.o] volunteers community" are two very different
things nowadays.

Being a regular user of OO.o or a regular member of these lists does
NOT mean being an OO.o volunteer. I surely am not, and I have never
seen it written anywhere that to subscribe here or to complain about
an objective problem I must have contributed first, or commit to do
it. Just tell me that this is instead the rule and I'll just
unsubscribe, no problem, really.

Saying "Volunteer's Community" when one instead means "only those who
have time and skills to do stuff for *THIS* particular program" is
terribly narrowmindend, to say the least. Too many hackers commit this
error regularly.

Imagine Mother Teresa coming here when she was still alive to say
"I've found this bug in OO.o, please fix it soon, as it is it makes my
work so much slower and we can't afford proprietary SW". Imagine how
idiotic it would have been to say "please fix this yourself if it
bothers you so much, here's the source".

Obviously, I'm no Mother Teresa by any stretch of the imagination, but
as long as my infinitely smaller gifts allow it, I volunteer to both
the Free SW and the general human community. And I *have* to use
Linux, Apache, Gnome things, KDE things, OO.o and lots of other
software to volunteer for the community. But in OTHER projects. And
that leaves NO time for me to do something which I would'nt be able to
do anyway. That's why "we the volunteer community" "given enough eyes
all bugs are shallow" and similar dogmas aren't valid anymore.


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

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