Gianluca Turconi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Then, there is the "little" question he has written on The Guardian
> Unlimited. When you write on a newspaper (site), you
> cannot not write /nearly all/ or /some part/ of the truth.
> You must write *the* truth because you're not writing a novel or a
> narrative story where the plot can be changed according to your will
> or your opinion, you're writing news that are read by users as such.

You don't have a choice. You can't write *the* truth. You do the best you 
can to ensure that every statement of fact is correct and that the 
overall impression is not misleading; the article is then cut by other 
people, and fitted to the space. 

To clarify my argument about the limits of open source as a software 
development model: I think it works for some types of program and not for 
others and that this is really because of the lack of a market which will 
signal preferences reliably from users to developers. The governing 
rhetoric of the movement ignores this, and so is seriously misleading. 

There was in my original article a paragraph saying that the volunteer 
work was in general much more impressive outside the English community. I 
don't know why this is true, and I don't want to be invidious by putting 
up a list of remarkable contributors which will then leave off people who 
should be there. Let me put it this way round: there are people as 
impressive as Andrew Pitonyak, CP Hennessey and Dan Kegel whose work is 
for the most part done in other languages. 

But, again, almost all of this is catchup. Supplying dictionaries, spell-
checkers, proper documentation, user support, and so on, is tremendously 
important, ad, when it is complete, will bring the program up to the 
level that MS Office was, in most languages, eight years ago. 

Meanwhile, the facts are as I stated them. 

> In any other case, there is a specific liability because your work
> *may* damage the interests of other people.

Andrew Brown
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