Hi Jürgen,
Reply in-line.

On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 09:42 +0100, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> you bring up some good ideas (i have missed some of them as well) and 
> the best way to bring them in the product is to submit feature requests.

I agree, but what I want is some discussion first so that a clear
specification can be put together. At the end of this email are 57
related issue numbers and summaries - I would much rather that developer
time was spent reading one specification that has been discussed and
hopefully had some consensus from the community than wading through all
these issues.

> Macros are good for rapid prototyping and for special user related 
> functions. But you requested very common features and it would be best 
> to integrate them in the existing functonality, implement them in C++ 
> and integrate them in the existing find&replace dialog and/or extend 
> this dialog.

Agree entirely! I see all of my macros in this light - it is the spirit
in which I developed them. Quick prototypes for discussion so that a
better solution can be properly developed and included. In the meantime
they act as a stop gap for that issue.

>  From a macro or component perspective you would have to repalce the 
> existing dialog with a new implementation or create a second special 
> find&replace dialog for the new feature which of course would be 
> confusing from a user experience perspective.
> So please attach your macro to the feature request that the people who 
> will write the specification get an idea how it should work exactly.

I have attached it to issue 18375.

> The anomaly of \n is simply a bug from my point of view and you should 
> submit an issue for that

It has already been added see issue 29829.

> Thanks Juergen

Some related issues related to find replace:

Issue Description

2944 Find & Replace within selected text/cells

2997 Allow search and replace of character styles in "Find and R

7372 Enhance Find & Replace for formatting in Calc

9749 Find & Replace' never finds the Drawing Object Text.

10156 Find & Replace. Option to start at beginning

10157 Find & Replace: Add back find *button*.

10158 Find & Replace: Add "Find then Replace" and just "Replace".

10160 Find & Replace: Add MS style pattern matching

10161 Find & Replace: Add count to "find all"

11698 Make Find Dialog Box More Robust

15616 Find (and Replace) does not ignore custum hyphens

17188 Find and Replace doesn't take case of original word in to ac

18375 Request drop-down list of special characters in find box

19193 find dialogue: button: goto next occurence of match

19392 Last occurence of Find & Replace doesn't get updated on scre

19492 Allowing Find/Replace to find or replace new lines

19720 Find dialogue: return to original caret position if "Find al

20100 Find/Replace diolog losting the cursor focus

23545 index entries - find next similar entry - after current one

23750 unify "format" and "Atrributes" in find dialog

23759 Find and Replace eats too much memory (crashing most systems

23792 find & replace : insert special character lack full unicode

25177 Regular expressions in find and replace many combinations no

25772 Find & Repace - Replacement of capitals

28913 Need more regular expressions to ease "Find and Replace"

29829 Find&replace handles paragraph marks and line breaks strange

30939 Non-intuative way to change formatting in Find/Replace

31172 Find and Replace not accepting direct inputing of unicode ch

32685 Find Duplicate cells in Column or Row

33772 Strings in fields can not be found with "Find&Replace"

35093 Find and replace all on selected cells is misleading

37586 Find dialog stays in the way of the text you found

39453 Find & Replace Menu is too big and uncomfortable

39557 search for " should (optionally) find typographic quotes as

40024 Add wild cards to ease Find & Replace without "RegularExpres

41315 Find and replace in multiple openoffice documents

44196 Find erases the users data

44238 Find should highlight found string

44688 Searching with regular expression ^$ does not find empty cel

45574 "Find" panel layout adjustment

47165 Some extended help texts in Find & Replace dialog lost

48533 Find&Replace does not set default "Search for" string

49341 Find/Replace confuses Turkish character ı with Englısh i

49380 enable find and replace buttons when 'Search For' box is emp

50183 allow finding places referring to a, well, reference

50510 ^$ freezes writer (Find & replace)

50879 Find and Replace doesn’t work within textbox.

50953 Find/Replace dialog: "More options" on by default

51010 Find and Replace in Formula Editor

51653 Find/Replace not displaying properly

53113 find consistent shortcut key for Navigator for all modules

55186 Overlapping hotkey (~O) in English Find&Replace dialogue

55220 Suggestion for "Current selection only" behaviour in Find&Re

55747 find and replace: move "Current selection only" to standard

56449 Find&Replace in selection replaces whole selection with repl

58930 Find & Replace Dialog: "Current selection only" is always di

59323 crash when do Find in different view

Thanks, Ian

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