Daniel Kasak wrote:

Randomthots wrote:

I guess the main point here would be that it's a bit of a stretch to say that Evolution is actually available for the Win32 platform. It's a lot closer and that's certainly a welcome development, but it would be a mistake to point posters looking for an alternative to Outlook in that direction just yet.

I don't think so. If they're keen enough to use OpenOffice, then I don't see trying out evolution as being a major problem.
Download files. Unzip them. Add path to environment. Run and test.

1. Probably >95% of the current user base of OOo (Win32) will not have understood "Add path to environment."

2. *Trying out* an alpha or pre-alpha release is a whole different animal than *using* a reasonably mature program like OOo. Until Evolution for Windows is stable and mature enough to warrant at least a beta designation (WITH installer) it's unreasonable to think of it as something that people can actually *use* day-to-day.

3. For that matter the designation OOo 2.0 is a bit misleading since it's the same thing as SO 8. A version 8 release vs. pre-alpha??

If people don't test things out, how will the bugs get noticed?

Fine for you and me, perhaps, but if it crashes and trashes data -- something that is more than likely at this stage -- then playing with it to find bugs is about *all* you can do with it.

Also, if it's a stretch to say that evolution is available for Win32, then it's *certainly* a stretch to say that SO 5.2 is better than OOo 2.0 :-P ... but yes, I'm straying off-topic ... or on-topic, or something ...

No argument there, although I've never used SO 5.2. From what little I can glean from descriptions here, it sounds like a lot of other software from the Win3.1 era when people were experimenting with different user interfaces. The best ideas made their way into WinXP, Gnome, KDE, etc. The worst are better off forgotten.



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