On Tuesday 28 February 2006 14:32, Sophie Gautier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here is my proposal for a new incubator project : education.
> Please vote for it using +1 or -1 for this new project and let me
> know if you would like to be part of it (in case the majority
> agreed with it :)


Thank you, Sophie. 

> OpenOffice.org is largely used in primary schools, universities,
> and high schools in several countries. This is great ! But a lot
> of initiatives have been taken and several tools developed
> focusing on education, and this is reflected nowhere in our
> project.
> If a Marketing/education list exist for OOo usage in education
> department, there is currently no education project that is not
> marketing oriented. The university education site,
> http://marketing.openoffice.org/education/univs/, is also mainly
> focused on marketing, though there is some effort there to
> provide tools for students.
> The aim of the proposed project is not about OOo usage in
> education, but about tools and initiatives around OOo the product
> and the source that can be share by our community and where
> students of any level can find a place to participate easily.
> Just an example : Sesamath is a portal dedicated to math tools in
> France. On this portal some tools are working through OOo (see
> TracenPoche
> http://tracenpoche.sesamath.net/article.php3?id_article=24) and
> are already translated in several languages (see Dmaths for
> example in German,
> http://www.dmaths.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=12
> As said, this is just an example of the tools that can be shared,
> and if it's French, I'm sure there exist such initiatives in
> other languages and countries. And if the initiative is not
> there, it could be a good example to follow.
> But there are also the teachers who want to share their
> documentation, students who would like to participate in QA, or
> School laboratory in development: They need to have a dedicated
> space to enter and find their way to the project.
> A university searching for a partnership will go on an education
> project to search for infos or contact.
> This is what the Education project will offer :
>   . a space to collect tools and to translate them if needed,
>   . a space where initiatives like DidaTux
>   (http://happytux.altervista.org/didatux/) or Freeduc
>   (http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd) or Skolelinux
> (http://www.skolelinux.org/portal/ ) will be listed and may find
> more support
>   . a space where universities can find entries for their
> students and proposed development programs that are supported
> during classes . a space where students can collaborate to an
> international project, doing qa or other proposed task.
> Kind regards
> Sophie
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