On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 13:17:29 PM +0100, Nicolas Mailhot

> Another part is lack of involvment of disabled persons.

> If disabled people are unhappy with FOSS, they need to get involved.

But they will never get involved until the FOSS community looks at the
problem in these terms. Or, more exactly, makes the effort to truly
understand the way everybody else (not just disabled ones) considers

Disabled people are not unhappy with FOSS. Ditto for most non disabled
computer users. They are simply unhappy with anything different than
what they already know how to use. If Massachusetts has said "we will
switch to FrameMaker or WordPerfect" they would have thrown the very
same tantrum. Period.

Other people, disabled or not, simply don't give a rat's ass about the
software license, and very often don't give a rat's ass about its
price. Read again what Pietrosanti and the others said. We spend hours
in these forums convincing each other that we have more freedom with
GPL stuff, and they just confirm that *all* their freedom, or lack
thereof, has NOTHING to do with software licenses.

I'm not saying all this is right, all the contrary. I have criticized
explicitly this attitude in the article. But until one denies that the
real problem is this, nothing serious will change.


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

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