On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:15:37 -0700
Andrew Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <<<there is no need as http://mozilla.org has Thunderbird for email
> and Sunbird for Calendaring. Sunbird may not be complete yet but is
> getting closer all of the time.>>>
> Sorry, I have to COMPLETELY disagree with you. Thunderbird with the
> Calendar or Lightning add-in and Sunbird are excellent applications,
> for the casual home user. They do not even hold a candle to the
> features and office productivity of Outlook. I hate M$, but Outlook is
> actually a GREAT program. Although it can be difficult to use for a
> beginner or someone who does not need all it's features, in an office
> environment, it is an incredible asset. There are several drawbacks
> such as it's sharing abilities and proprietary nature, which is why so
> many of us are looking for an alternative built into OOo. To say
> "There is no need as http://Mozilla.org has Thunderbird/Sunbird" is
> like saying "There is no need for today's modern houses since there
> are caves we can live in instead." You are comparing a fairly simple
> email and calendaring app to a sophisticated PIM. I just recently
> installed Linux and Evolution at home, and Evolution is close, but not
> fully there, especially considering there is no Windows version yet.
> There is a group supposedly working on it, but they haven't made any
> progress on the port for over a year. However, there is hope on the
> horizon; http://chandler.osafoundation.org/ is a promising PIM that
> looks like it will be equal to or better than Outlook. They are
> focusing on the Calendar aspect right now, with Task Management and
> Email to follow. If OOo can get together with them NOW, and begin a
> tight integration, then Chandler and OpenOffice together will make a
> complete package that rivals M$ Office in EVERY way. OOo either needs
> to make it's own PIM that is as good or better than M$, or work with
> someone who already is working on it, like the folks at OSAF and
> Chandler. If Chandler will as fully integrated with OOo as Outlook is
> with M$ Office, they will be able to stand against M$ Office in the
> workplace. Until then, it's no dice, and OOo is primarily a "Home
> User" office suite. Without a PIM, it is too cumbersome to replace M$
> Office in the workplace environment IF that environment is already
> using and reliant on Outlook and M$ Office. And the sad news is, many
> are. The good news is many of them will switch if OOo has a PIM
> equivalent to Outlook.

I actually think that furthuring the tight integration between OO.o and
Seamonkey is the most important thing. Together these two large programs
make a good office combo. I think free developer communication between
the two camps is really important. This comunication needs to be top
down and open for all involved to see.

As for calendaring i believe the online shared calender is going to
blossom of its own accord as an office tool very soon. The FOSS version
will be LAMP driven and will only need a good browser to access. Sets
aside crystal ball.

I detest the term FLOSS, it sounds so kiddiewinks!


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