On 8/9/06, Richard/g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is completely *untrue*. Most people keep a Windows partition and a
Linux partition.

Please explain to someone who doesn't know what Linux is how to partition
their current hard drive (this person obviously already has a computer up
and running with Windows on it) without losing data, so they can install and
run Linux.  That's assuming they have enough room to do so.  Explain to a
person who doesn't know what Linux is how to dual boot.  And then explain to
them, and me, why they should go through all that for an instant messenger.
One that is not intregrated into OpenOffice.org like the earlier email lead
them to believe.

Most all of the programs have equivalents in Linux. They generally come
with it free of charge.

Where is the free Halo for Linux?  Where is the free home designing /
landscaping program for Linux?  Where is the free voice recognition software
for Linux?  Where is the free family tree maker for Linux?  Where is the
free Better Homes and Gardens for Linux?  Where is the free Road and Trips
for Linux?  Where is the free Reader Rabbit for Linux?  Where is the free
Dear Avenger for Linux?

There are a ton of areas that free software doesn't exist yet.  Don't assume
that Linux is right for everybody.

Most people really don't know how to do much with Windows, either.

All the OP wanted was an email client, a calendar, and an instant messenger
that worked with OpenOffice.org.  Not a new operating system.  Talk about
your "one app to rule them all" answers.  Sheesh!

- Chad Smith

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