On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 03:57 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> There is something missing that will complete the office suite.
> A Frontpage/Dreamweaver equivalent.  Improvements to
> Draw to allow web site graphics creation, like photoshop/fireworks.
> What brought my attention to it was my neighbours son was given
> a project to do over the summer holidays.
> He was told to use Frontpage, his mother looked to see how much
> it was and it cost 150GBP.  I eventually located an Academic
> package for 65GBP.  The problem is, a lot of parents can't afford
> the price tag, and a cheek for one off home coursework project.
> Neil.

First of all its incredibly bad advice to get someone who is learning
web design to use Frontpage. Its basically the philistines approach to
web design :-). There are plenty of graphic design tools such as Xara
Xtreme that are in fact free on Linux but that advice probably won't be
given either. There is NVU, again free and good for designing web sites.
This is one reason why I have designed the INGOT certification to be
entirely independent of proprietary software. While you can use MS
Office, Front page et al, there is no dependency on them and the
examples and guidance all use free software to support social inclusion
and bridging the digital divide. Here is what an E-mail I had this
morning from the UK IT Sector Skills Council said.

"e-skills UK (www.e-skills.com) are pleased to support the  INGOTs
(International Grades in Office Technology) qualifications. We
particularly commend the following aspects:

·      use of competence based assessments
·      clear progression routes
·      linkage to the ICT Sector Qualification Strategy
·      involvement of the Open Source Consortium.

This shows that its possible to provide IT certification entirely free
from proprietary software, its just going to take time to educate the
educators so that they turn some of the rhetoric about equality of
opportunity and social inclusion into practice ;-)
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an OOo Dreamweaver equivalent,
there is too much work in just getting what is part of mainstream office
productivity tool set to the optimum.


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