Terry wrote:

> NoOp wrote:
>> M. Fioretti wrote:
>>> In any case, it has NOTHING to do with OpenOffice, _reading_ email or
>>> replies. I have checked one of my messages in the same archive, and I
>>> see no equivalent information:
>>> http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=117127&raw=true
>> Really?  Try:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=discuss&msgNo=58090&raw=true
>> The OP has a point, why publish full headers w/IP's on the archives?  A
>> poster is required to subscribe prior to posting, so that information
>> should suffice. For that matter, the polite and proper thing to do would
>> be to munge the archive email address as well.
> I missed that.  There are two tabs on the Mail Reader - "Standard
> Display" and "Raw Display".  The first is bad enough.
> Why publish any of this information?  Surely it is the questions and
> answers which are relevant.  This is the reason I unsubscribed from
> these lists previously.
> Someone suggested to me that I use two addresses after I received spam
> to an address I had only used for this list and one bug report on Mozilla.
> Now I see that I have to amend the strategy further.  I begin to wonder
> whether it is worth the trouble.

Indeed. Fortunately for me this email address is a spam trap so it
doesn't much matter as far as the address is concerned. I also reset the
IP after 1-2 days. However it seems to me that publishing full headers
w/IP address *and* full email address on the archives (even on the
standard archive view) for the spambots etc to harvest is just plain rude.

I also find the requirement for lists vs a proper closed/non-archived
nntp server pretty strange these days. Seems to me that OOo could set up
a non-archived nntp server like the
news.mozilla.org/mozilla.support.seamonkey and/or new.grc.com etc
servers pretty easily. I only use the nntp gmane.comp.openoffice.x
server for posting & reading... I couldn't imagine trying to follow
anything were I only subscribed to a list and had to try to follow
and/or view threads via email only.

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