On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 00:06 -0500, William Baric wrote:
> Le Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:30:19 -0500, Lars D. Noodén a écrit :
> > Also, I'd like to think that OOo is about making a useful productivity 
> > suite and *not* about copying MS Office, especially the interface 
> > mistakes.
> I didn't use Office 2007 much myself, but I installed it on a few people's
> workstation. I guess it's too soon too know if the ribbon will be, in the
> end, a good or a bad idea, but I know that every person I choose for my
> test wants to keep the ribbon. Not a single one of them wants to
> go back to Office 2003. Basically, they are now able to discover and do
> things they didn't even knew existed with Office 2003. I now see people
> who are saying "I want Office 2007 too", even after I tried to discourage
> them.
> Again, it's too soon to really know, but from the little I've seen, my
> guess is the ribbon will be a big success for Microsoft.
> One thing is for sure, even if not everybody like the ribbon, the one who
> do will consider the old interface as inferior. OpenOffice must either
> offer something similar

I believe MS has patented the ribbon so OOo needs to implement similar
(better?) functionality in a different way. That is the real challenge,
do something better and sufficiently different not to get sued for
patent infringement - Ok, probably a law suit to defend such a patent
would fail since Apple's failed against Windows but the cost and risk
still has to be considered.

>  for those people, or do some other major
> innovation on the interface. The statu quo won't be good enough. Forcing a
> new interface to everyone would be a bad idea, but forcing an old
> interface is even worst. 

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