On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Jonathon Blake wrote:
Microsoft's UI is "intuitive" only because people are familiar with it.
[ I don't remember the cites,but there are several journal articles on
the unintuitive nature of MS Windows versus the  Unix command line
with naive users.]

It's rather a usability disaster so it's best not to follow them. A thing to remember is that in addition to encroaching on MS Office turf (formerly WordPerfect, formerly WordStar) is that OOo is getting into many new markets that MS Office can't and won't get into. No need to bring old garbage / baggage into new markets. This is an opportunity to move forward instead.


        Ensure access to your data now and in the future

hopefully the User eXperience project at ux.openoffice.org is a good starting point

Their priority should be to make OOo fully a11y compliant.
Then add the eye candy that minimizes productivity, and maximizes
system resources that accomplish nothing.



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