Rod Engelsman wrote:

> Could you clarify this? I've been seeing statements that a PIM will be 
> integrated/included in release 3.0. But then I see that Sun has 
> committed some resources to Lightning with no planned integration. Are 
> we talking about just helping Lightning along and then offering it 
> alongside or as part of the download or what?
> Because there _are_ some real opportunities for useful integration if 
> one looks for them (discussed in another thread).

We are indeed supporting the Lightning project. Once this will have
reached a "final" state we can work on possible integrations between
Thunderbird/Lightning and OOo. As both projects (OOo and Mozilla) have
suitable technologies and we are able to bridge between them I'm sure
that we will find ways to integrate them. These integration components
should be developed and deployed as extensions for OOo and
Thunderbird as well.

In the meantime people can think about possible integrations and specify
them. Could be an interesting project.


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