On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 03:16:40 AM -0500, Alexandro Colorado

> Here is where you are wrong. Developers don't have to code to fit users  
> need. Developers code because they want to and to make technological  
> difference. 

Here you ignore, for example, students developing FOSS to get their
degree, that is a public university which demands to its students to
develop FOSS because citizens (thanks to effective and respectful
communication, not slogans or assumptions like yours) have learned to
demand laws to make this happen

> User are not costumers in free software, users are the developers
> and developers are the users.  This is what you need to understand
> first. That is why is called a community, is a commune you take
> some, you give some.

This is "thing #7" again. By speaking in this way, no matter what you
actually believe, you are restricting FOSS to that microscopic elite
of people who can actively and realistically contribute to a
program. This comes out as very disturbing, unfriendly, elitist and
simply won't work today. You can become blue in the face, but at least
for another 9/10 generations, the percentage of people who will have
skills, time and money to be the kind of user that you request will
remain microscopic as today.

> Your feedback is well over taken and answered, if you want something
> more than an answer then you should give more.
Please note that, however it may seem from my previous remarks, I
believe that you are absolutely right here and, in principle, on
several other things you've said in this thread. The problem is that
the only "more" that 95% of people can give to FOSS is voting for it,
and it won't happen if they are driven away with any variant of the
"users are developers" slogan.


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