Paul Scott wrote:

I've been watching Open Office get closer and closer to 'really usable' for
a very long time now, and I've started using it for most of my officey

But I'm very disappointed with the update functionality... when there's an update available you just get given a link to the download page? And there
you are expected to download the whole thing again?

Also, there are no hints given for updating as opposed to a new install - do I have to do anything other than run the installer? Will that wipe out any
of my settings or (worse) documents?

It *may* all work perfectly, I guess it probably does by now, but looking at it with the eyes of a non techie user it's a bit intimidating and I'm sure
many will just turn off and not do the update.

What it needs: (some are desperately needed, some are improvements)

- A specific 'How to update' landing page
- Reassurance about current settings/documents
- an incremental update installer
- A better way of showing 'what's changed' than Release notes just
referencing bug numbers

When I get time I'll slog through it and find out just what I need to do,
but for now there's at least one user who hasn't got the latest security
upodates and bugfixes applied, and I'd bet there's a whole lot more out

If people don't/can't cope with updating, all the good work on later
versions is absolutely worthless. Updating (software *and* process) is
something it's worth spending some time on..



As for myself, I skip all incremental upgrades and only upgrade for major (feature) upgrades.
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