On Monday 01 October 2007 03:41, Mark wrote:
> (Currently Using: Open Office Version 2.3.0)
> Hi,

Hi Mark,

> I've been using Open Office (abb. OO from now on) for a while now
> (I'ts my main Office software) and I'd like to congratulate you
> on just how good its become. Its a replacement for MS office in
> many ways, but one area where is still lacks is Impress. I've
> been eagarly waiting for every new version of OO, but no mention
> of the ideas below...
> Impress as publishing software
> As OO doesn't have a direct equivalent of Publisher, Impress
> works really well as a substitute. Perhaps it would be an idea to
> market it as such, though I would add something into the start-up
> wizard to auto-setup the page to A4-portrait if users want a
> poster and another option (screen, landscape) for presentations.
> This would be a nice time saving feature.

We don't really want an equivalent of Publisher and I hope that it 
will never happen.  MS Publisher as a DTP application is seriously 
limited.  It sounds as though you want to use Draw.  Draw has all 
of the Graphical tools that Impress has and is designed for print 
media.  Create an A4 landscape template for draw and use that as 
your default template 

> Impress as a presentation creator. (My main annoyance in OO)
> The one area where this is program is lacking is in animation.
> While most of the useful animations from PowerPoint are there,
> the actual interface is very out-dated (equivalent PowerPoint 97
> and earlier). This area needs focusing on to catch up with MS as
> the best presentation software.
> A major advantage of PowerPoint is that you can open an "advanced
> timeline" and drag animations start and finish times around in a
> GUI form rather than having to tediuosly and time consumingly
> input every single value into a new window. PowerPoint also
> allows users to change the speed of a group of selected
> animations in one click from the top, OO does not allow this.
> Finally animations should be able to be copy/pasted to make an
> object do something more than once.
> If you could try to bring this area into line with PP2007 it
> would really make OOImpress the best presentation creator!

Firstly OOo is not a MSO clone, so we don't add things simply
because MS does.
Secondly I personally would object strongly to using developer time 
on this because it simply leads to bad practice in creating 

> Animations are one of the main advantages to presentations as
> opposed to overhead transparencies. Please could you do something
> about the current outdated and very user-unfriendly interface for
> animations at the moment. These ideas are PowerPoint standard and
> I believe they should be in OpenOffice too.

In fact animations are nothing more than a toy.  Reduce them as much 
as possible.  Slide transitions should be the same right through  a 
presentation so that your audience doesn't have to adjust to every 
different reveal.  Your message is the important thing, anything 
that distracts from that is waste.   I use nothing more than 
"reveal" for text within a slide and maybe "wipe" for transitions, 
anything more that is a distraction. 

> Has anyone requested these features before? Can you give me an
> idea on the likelihood of them being implemented?

Have a search on issue tracker, I would suspect there probably is.   
Unfortunately the likliehood is probably quite high. 

> Thanks,
> Mark
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