Hi all,

Some comments in line.


> >
> > Impress as a presentation creator. (My main annoyance in OO)
> > The one area where this is program is lacking is in animation.
> > While most of the useful animations from PowerPoint are there,
> > the actual interface is very out-dated (equivalent PowerPoint 97
> > and earlier). This area needs focusing on to catch up with MS as
> > the best presentation software.
> >
> > A major advantage of PowerPoint is that you can open an "advanced
> > timeline" and drag animations start and finish times around in a
> > GUI form rather than having to tediuosly and time consumingly
> > input every single value into a new window. PowerPoint also
> > allows users to change the speed of a group of selected
> > animations in one click from the top, OO does not allow this.
> >
> > Finally animations should be able to be copy/pasted to make an
> > object do something more than once.
> >
> > If you could try to bring this area into line with PP2007 it
> > would really make OOImpress the best presentation creator!

I haven't had the chance to try PP2007 but I worked a lot with MSO 2003 and
in my opinion OOo is a much better presentation creator.

Firstly OOo is not a MSO clone, so we don't add things simply
> because MS does.
> Secondly I personally would object strongly to using developer time
> on this because it simply leads to bad practice in creating
> presentations.

> > Animations are one of the main advantages to presentations as
> > opposed to overhead transparencies. Please could you do something
> > about the current outdated and very user-unfriendly interface for
> > animations at the moment. These ideas are PowerPoint standard and
> > I believe they should be in OpenOffice too.
> In fact animations are nothing more than a toy.  Reduce them as much
> as possible.  Slide transitions should be the same right through  a
> presentation so that your audience doesn't have to adjust to every
> different reveal.  Your message is the important thing, anything
> that distracts from that is waste.   I use nothing more than
> "reveal" for text within a slide and maybe "wipe" for transitions,
> anything more that is a distraction.

 I think I agree with Mark on the last two points although I have sympathy
for what Graham says. OOo should not be a clone of MSO, but should implement
functionalities that people find useful. Like Graham I tend to use
animations very sparingly and I agree that steal take time that should be
used instead to work on the actual contents.
On the other hand, a) this is just my style; b) I have come across
presentations where the animations were instrumental to understanding the
In my opinion the areas that need improvement are:
1) capability of adding animations to the slide master (e.g. to make the
bullet points of a text box appear one by one
2) (similar to 1) ability of copying/pasting the animations
3) have at least a rudimental control on the timing of an animation.
4) better manipulation of multimedia
4) have a full timeline for animations

Note on point 3). At present you can only specify slow/medium/fast, however
if you import a presentation made with MS PowerPoint the timing of effects
is preserved, therefore it is probably just a matter of enabling the GUI.
Note on point 4) maybe this capability exists already, but I haven't still
managed to install jmf on my Ubuntu box :-)

> > Has anyone requested these features before? Can you give me an
> > idea on the likelihood of them being implemented?
> Have a search on issue tracker, I would suspect there probably is.
> Unfortunately the likliehood is probably quite high.

There is an issue on the animation timing which I raised (username:
michelezarri) which includes an example of custom. If I find 5 minutes I
will post the link.

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