On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 17:49:42 PM +0000, jonathon wrote:

(four times)
> Styles are not being correctly used.

since this, even outside of this thread, is one of the most frequent
issues, then maybe OOo/ODF styles are very poorly advertised and
documented, but this is a side topic.

The OP clearly said that this is a problem of interoperability with MS
Office users and/or documents. So maybe this is not really a case
where OOo/ODF styles aren't correctly used: this is a case where such
styles have never been used, because they didn't exist where those
documents were created; and maybe a case where such styles simply
_cannot_ be used, because such information is lost every time a file
goes in .doc format back and forth between OOo and MS Office
users. Are we sure this isn't the case here?

> >  No politics in this case, simply a office with to much power.
> It is an office that does not know how to use their tools correctly.

Maybe OOo is not _their_ chosen tool: from the initial message it is
not to be excluded that IT tried to switch users without them asking
for it or even knowing when the switch would happen. There are cases
where migration was indeed done this way, nobody noticed or complained
and a few people where even really happy that "the last version of MS
Office finally doesn't crash and runs quite faster"!

But of course, it all depends on how complex the existing MS Office
files are and on how much the users have to interact, editing files
together, with external MS Office users.

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Day: http://www.documentfreedom.org/

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