On Monday 25 February 2008 21:37:53 M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Mon, February 25, 2008 7:51 am, jonathon wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 11:14 PM, M. Fioretti  wrote:
> >>  - being sent to MS Office users who edit it as they please
> >
> > If the users did use styles with MSO, those styles would be available
> > in ODF, albeit with a different name.
> >
> > If they did not use styles
> that the creators of those MSO files did not used styles was very likely
> since the beginning of this thread and seems almost certain now.
> > then expecting OOo to recognize non-existing styles, is akin to
> > expecting polar bears to give birth to tigers.
> my point was that in these conditions, or in any other real world
> giving suggestions to use styles or expecting that such suggestions have
> any relevance or usefulness is more or less the same thing.

What I was saying was that people need training in using stylist, then they 
will understand why there are issues and can fix those issues easily.    

> Of course, the suggestion to use styles is an excellent one, regardless of
> whether MSO or OOo are used: but it is fully applicable only by users who
> start from scratch and must never exchange/co-edit their new files with
> third parties who couldn't care less of styles, which is not the case of
> this thread. This is what I meant. This story is an excellent _example_ of
> "why everybody should always use styles in MSO and / or OOo", but little
> or nothing
> of the suggestions given so far is actually practicable by the OP.

The obvious problem was that the Migration process and planning was half 
baked.  It was little to do with the End Users in the Office or OOo's 
"incompatibility", both of which took a measure of the "blame".  The OP 
however was studiously avoiding the real root of the problem.

I find this quite commonly and often get pulled into a migration process after 
the whole thing has come unstuck exactly as he described.  Invariably it 
comes down to training and usually because training is done by people who 
have no ability or training as instructors.

If I can offer two concrete suggestions that are based in experience they 
would be

Plan the Migration
Hire a Trainer

For the OP's situation,  the prognosis is bad. Any future migration will be 
tainted by this failure   

> Marco


Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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