To Robin Laing: Because the initial information states the New Lgpl 3 code will be incompatible with the older LGPL, thereby rendering all older versions obsolete! That is what was stated and unless someone cannot understand English they should clarify that quickly! :-(

Robin Laing wrote:

Bottom post
John Boyle wrote:
To jonathon: That is NOT the way it sounds! However, I will take your word for it, until I see the real results! :-(

jonathon wrote:
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 8:55 PM, John Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

People who have files in OOo format that they have made for quite some time, will NOT be able to use the new format, it seems! Are they going to allow for that with a conversion of some sort? :-(

Please explain how you came to that conclusion;.

There was _nothing_ in the announcement about a change in file formats.

There will be a change in licenses.  One that is long overdue.



Hi John,

I have used StarOffice from RedHat 4.X and I can still open the files in the latest version of OOo. To me that says there are assurances with open file formats. :)

But this issue has nothing to do with file formats. This is about how the end user is protected and the license that they use the software under. It is the EULA that most people just click to accept and have never, ever thought about.

The file formats are laid down as ISO formats and have to go through a different procedure to change than the license.

And to add to this, I really doubt that anyone involved with file formats don't want to do anything to cause the same issue that those that have Office 2007 and the OOOXML file formats that many cannot access.

I would suggest you read the original post on the license changes.

More details if you are interested.

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