Alex Nyunt wrote:

I appreciate your response.  Indeed, compared to the tone of much of the
mail I have received in reference to this, your response is measured and

What can I say?  I was angry.  I am still angry.  A large volume of people
have pointed out that OpenOffice does have autosave, a fact of which I am
aware, having used this program in one form or another for about seven
years; however, in this case that function did not work.   The program froze
and when I restarted it, instead of encountering the recover function as I
expected, the main menu came up--no recover.  Since there seems to be actual
communication going on at this point, perhaps you could look into the
reasons that something like that might occur so that it doesn't happen to
anyone else in the future.

As for the mailing list of disgruntled open source gurus, while I appreciate
your concern, that's hardly the most worrying thing at this point ("The
internet man insulted me, when will the pain stop?")  I am sorry if my
immoderate anger offended any of you and your life's work.  If you sincerely
feel the need to cast aspersions, question my intelligence, or otherwise bad
mouth me, as I'm sure many of you will continue to do, I can take it.


Even better.

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