It sounds like this one is really a mini Apple.

You should be able to pump it with files by adding a firewire or firewire 800 card and the appropriate type of cable.

If you are transferring from a non-Apple environment, you will have to rebuiol;d the Mac Fork on each file in the iPAD. (Lest the apples go rotten - guffaw!)

Best regards,

Bruce M.

On 10/05/2010 6:00 PM, RA Brown wrote:
Bruce Martin wrote:
As I understand it, an iPAD is a hand held MP3 player. This is not to be confused with an iPAQ, made by Hewlett-Packard. The latter device is a PDA that uses Windows Mobile as an O.S. and links on windows with MS Outlook, amongst other things. The capabilities of the latter are much more than the iPAD as far as I know, but the price is also accordingly much more.

An iPAD is the newest release from Apple. It is basically a table PC with a touch screen or an advanced book reader. It uses WiFi to connect to the Internet for web browsing. It can connect to a Mac using firewire to sync files. I am not sure what other apps can be loaded.

The iPOD is an MP3 player.

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