Den 2010-09-04 06:47:20 skrev John Kaufmann <>:

In a message dated 2010.09.03 13:24 -0500, Gurus Knugum wrote:

Is it possible to have form controls in an ODT who's numerical
content automatically derives from each other?  I envision to have
three "Formatted Field"s A,B and C and C would - after A and B have
been filled in by the user display the sum of A's and B's contents.

The closest I get, without writing a macro, is to link all three of the
fields to three cells somewhere, maybe hided.  ...

Johnny, sorry to ask what appears to be a basic question, but how do you link controls to cells?


First of all, I didn't read your question thoroughly enough (especialy the subject line of this thread, and I even read ODT as ODF in general, I suppose…) so I missed that you were using Writer, my suggestion is for Calc. Very sorry for that. If you ever want to do this in Calc, then right click the control, click Control… and then click the Data tab and you'll figure it out from there.

I never did this in writer but I'll have a look at it right now…
No, that optioon is unfortunately missing in Writer. You have the option ”Data field”, but I don't know how to use it. Maybe you can connect it to a data base table or something.

Of course you can always write some macros that reads from the fields and calculate a value to put in the third field, if you have some Basic skills (other languages are also possible, but Basic is easier).

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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