On Tuesday 28 September 2010 19:43, Simon Brouwer wrote:
> Hi all,
> What do you make of this?

Most probably an enforced idealogical split with Oracle.


Could be the last straw was reached a wee while back. Looks like flipping 
Oracle the bird to me.

This need not be a bad thing. Case in point: Joomla! has gone from strength to 
strength since the developers left Miro and forked "whats-its-name?". Miro 
has submerged since then. 

Relating to the above, most the active devs (the most active devs) for OO.o 
were inside Sun/Oracle and employed by them. IBM and Novell both had 
differences of opinion with Sun and thus released their own versions. Wonder 
what their opinions on this will be.

Sun and therefore Oracle had an agreement on copyright of the devs code. 
Luckily it is released under the (L)GPL.

Come and do all your dev work here in New Zealand if you like guys - no 
patents on software here. Just the way RMS likes it. 

Gotta wonder about JAVA code in the program, as well, given that Oracle have 
taken Google to court over Googles (purported mis)use of JAVA in Android.

On face value this project will survive if it can attract enough interest and 
*capital* to attract some core devs away from Oracle and pay them. These guys 
are not used to working for the kudos. Again this could be achievable; 
Mozilla, GNU and Linux itself are some good examples where paid devs are 
working on the project.

Wonder how many of the dependant trees will enter into healthy discussions 
with these guys. Lotus, Go-OO, OxygenOffice? Kami, what say you? How many 
devs do you have?

Could well be some major brushfires before we can see the future clearly 
through the smoke. It would take a brave man to make a real prediction at this 
early stage.



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