I'm trying to test poor connexion networks. So in a simple linear topology 
(host1 ---- switch1 ------ (s2-eth2)switch2(s2-eth1) ----- host2) I created 
packet loss (50%) in the interface s2-eth2 using the tc command, I pinged from 
host1 to host2 and indeed the ping results are around the 50% loss. Now the 
problem is when I try to prove these results with ifconfig I'm seeing that the 
rx/tx drop counts are always 0 (the same goes for the 
errors/overruns/collisions counters with their specific tests of course)!!!
P.S: I also tried to jam the network by creating some background trafic with 
iperf tool but still seeing 0s!
How can I affect ifconfig counters or how to actually make veth interfaces feel 
what's going on! because I need to have those numbers registred on the port's 
stats to get them from OpenFlow after!!
I hope that this issue is clear and thanks in advance.Best regards.             
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