i think as long as students consider the creation of
software as a "have to" and not as a "want to" the
respective teaching efforts will by and large fail.

secondly, i think current university education leads
in may cases to a situation where true understanding
is sacrificed by a superficial "handling" of the
information relevant for passing exams.
students approach their studies in a utilitaristic and
opportunistic way and teachers are more concerned with
presenting what students need to learn than with asking
what student want to learn.

i guess that student projects that require capability
in the subject and capability in creating software might
be one tactic to show students that real capability
makes sense.

best regards,


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
von Simon Gray
Gesendet: Sonntag, 29. Oktober 2006 14:59
An: Mark Guzdial; Jens Bennedsen; Derek M Jones
Cc: Michael E. Caspersen; discuss@ppig.org
Betreff: RE: SV: PPIG discuss: long term effect of
introductoryprogramming education

Our experience is quite similar to Mark's and I would like to hear of models
for introductory programming that successfully bring in students from the
sciences. The science students at Wooster program quite a bit, but few take
any of our CS programming courses. The science departments don't have room
in their curricula to require any additional courses and the complaints
about our intro programming courses echo those Mark gives below.

Most of the science programs here solve this problem through a combination
of offering a very intensive programming course that focuses solely on
problems within their discipline and...hacking together a solution from bits
and pieces of other programs.

In our (CS's) opinion, this combination is not serving the science students
well, but we have been unable to convince our colleagues of this. Their
students are able to put together serviceable (but not maintainable)
programs for smallish problems, but are completely lost when it comes to
anything larger. A physics junior approached us with a program she had
written for a project and was going to extend for work she was to do for her
senior thesis. She claimed that the program demonstrated that she knew
everything we teach in our intro programming sequence and was asking that we
waive those courses for her (don't remember why she needed that now). When
we sat down with her to have her explain the code she had "written", 1) she
informed us that, in fact, large chunks of it had been written by someone
else as part of another project and that adapting code in that way was quite
common in their department (which we confirmed, especially for the messy GUI
parts), 2) she couldn't describe the code's structure, nor could she say how
the code would be extended to solve what she anticipated doing for her
senior thesis, and 3)  she couldn't explain basic components such as arrays
and functions (apparently functions are just named things to make the
compiler happy); she understood selection and iteration, and could declare
variables, but was fuzzy on _where_ it was best to declare them and on
parameter passing in general.  It was very discouraging for us.

In answer to Jens' original question, I think few of our students who take
our introductory course but don't go on in CS, find uses for it in their
other course work or use it later, but I have no evidence for this. It is an
interesting question to ask and we have wondered how we could make that
first course more widely relevant without sacrificing what we feel the CS
students will need as the progress through our program.

- Simon

Simon Gray, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
College of Wooster

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