Once upon a time there was a programmer whom I'll call Brilliant Ken, 
because his name
is Ken and he is brilliant.

About eight years ago, before as much had been written about agile 
Ken did a project to come up with a data communications framework for use 
several products. Although the project was not formally an agile project, 
because there
was no such thing then, it followed most of the key tenets of agile 
methodologies, including
"code for today" and "let the project team determining the optimum amount 
of documentation
for their needs." 

Kevin held the hands of the first developers to use the framework, with 
the result that it
got used in two closely related products, which is about 100% better than 
most platforms do.
He then went on to other, useful things.

A third application came along which also did data communications but with 
very different
requirements than the first two.  In an effort to show how wonderfully 
flexible the framework was,
the team decided to use it again.  It turned out that there were a lot of 
things that couldn't
be done easily in the framework - it was "coded for today" for the first 
two products. Project schedules being 
what they were and because they were also "coding for today" they bent and 
patched the framework
and got it to work.

This year, brilliant Dave was started on a project to integrate with the 
products built on top
of brilliant Ken's platform.   There was very little documentation for the 
original framework, since
the project team didn't need it, and what there was wasn't much use 
because of the bending and patching,
so brilliant Dave started in to look at the code. After staring at the 
code until his eyes crossed, he finally broke down and called brilliant 
Ken, who, fortunately, still worked for 
the company and who has always been a very open and accessible person. 
Together, they eventually
decided that a pretty major re-write would be needed to do what Dave need 
to do, in part because the
bending and patching had ruined parts of the framework that were suited 
for Dave's needs. Currently, the whole effort
is on hold.

One can only speculate how a more formal lifecycle, with formal 
requirements documents and formal design documents, might
have yielded a better outcome, at, perhaps, a smaller total cost.

I can easily see how the "code for today" and "document only what you need 
to" dicta have helped out
development organizations that have gotten caught up in writing mounds of 
specifications for overblown
architectures.   For such organizations, it's a real breakthrough to at 
least be able to get something out
the door.  For other organizations, with a different set of pathologies, 
the medicine might be more often fatal
than the disease.

Ruven Brooks

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