Errol writes,

1) why supporters of particular approaches to software development are
talking past each other and not necessarily hearing what each other are

I would hypothesize that it is because they do not understand each other. 
Computer scientists are trying to solve a very difficult problem, how to 
formalize the writing of software, without the background to deal with the 
fundamental cause of the problem. (I mean humans. Humans define what the 
software is to do, execute the creation of that software, and accept the 
result.) Because they are not given a formal education in the major issues 
(organizational behavior and related subjects) they must internalize the 
problem and recast it in terms they understand. The terms that one computer 
scientists uses and coins will most likely not match anyone else's. On top of 
this, consider that the computer science discipline is not a science in the 
same sense as psychology. What I mean is that computer scientists tend not to 
observe phenomena, hypothesize on relationships, and then perform experiments 
designed to support or refute the hypothesis. 

The result is that very intelligent people propose solutions to a very 
difficult problem using language and concepts unique to them and their 
experience. When describing this to others, the lack of a shared set of terms 
makes it difficult to share ideas or see the merits of other approaches. 
(Computer scientist B reads computer scientists A's paper and then tries to map 
the concepts there to his own understanding rather then a commonly shared set 
of terms. When they don't match communication breaks down.) After which, they 
perform no science to see if there method is truly beneficial versus other 

Take for example the Data Flow paradigm. It has data and operators. The object 
oriented paradigm also has data and operators, but clumps them together and 
calls them objects. They are the same concepts with different packaging, either 
of which may or may not have benefits to the programmer or the program to be 

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