Hi Jerome,

> If you are not used to the new JDK's logging feature, I would first
> recommend to try using it. It is very powerful. 

I agree the jdk logger is powerful, but so is log4j. I personally prefer log4j
over the  standard logging API; one of the reasons is that I use log4j's
SMTPAppender a lot.

It is more or less the usage for frameworks to use commons-logging and let users
decide which logger they prefer.
> Otherwise, you can still use log4j by modifying the NRE's implementation:

How about :
1) disabling logging
2) create your own LogFilter
3) Register it as your application's first filter.

to me it sounds like less work than modifying the default implementation (it's
also more portable.
And even if you want to stick to the JDK logger, you might need a different
logging format. So, why not add an Application.setLogFilter(Filter filter)
method? would that break the SPI pattern?


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