Hi Yousef,

> I noticed that some people talk about restlet webdav support, 
> and I find 
> webdav methods in the Method class, and also noticed that the 
> finder will 
> check the http standards method in the request, if not, it 
> will call the 
> handleXXX where XXX is the not standard name extracted from 
> the request and 
> uses reflection to call the handleXXX on the target resource. 
> It's sounds 
> good, and it should work, however it didn't in 1.0 version, 
> and it works 
> with 1.1 version, however with a standalone application, not 
> with tomcat connector.

Could you enter a bug report in our issue tracker and ideally attach a
sample application reproducing the issue in 1.0?

> For the class design, it should work even in the 1.0 version! 
> can anyone 
> tell me where is my problem. 

True, it should work as well. It might be a bug, we need to have a look at
it. Please enter a detailled bug report.

> And why the new release dose not 
> works with tomcat.

There is a know regression in 1.1 M1 that is fixed in SVN trunk. There is
also an updated snapshot available that fixes the Servlet integration issue:

Otherwise, we are working hard on getting 1.1 M2 out ASAP. Stay tuned!

Best regards,

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