For our typical enterprise application (serving 50-500 users at medium daily
load) we prefer to deploy a Restlet application as an executable JAR file
with an embedded Jetty.  The JAR is run in different ways depending on the
platform.  On Linux, it usually gets wrapped with an init.d start/stop
script.  On Windows, it gets registered as a service using procrun.  We've
found this to be extremely reliable and extremely lightweight.  Resources
here are typically in MySQL (for the Linux users) or Microsoft SQL Server
(for the Microsoft set) and/or an NFS or SAN filesystem.

- Rob

I remember reading that just firing up an Application is not recommended
> at volume. Obviously, putting things in Tomcat is another option, one
> that I'd normally front with Apache. And I think I saw mention of Jetty
> being popular. What are people doing and liking in production?

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