
Is someone manage to do something with webdav and restlet?
I take a look on the gogoego project but it's a little too big for my needs.

I like to make a generic class that implement the webdav methods 
(handlePropfind, handleOption, handleMove, handleCopy...). The goal is to 
just have to extend it on each resource classes and having the less specific 
things to do.
But for the moment I can't make it work. The only thing I be able to do is 
to connect a resource as a web folder but it ask me for a login/password.

Is the fact of implementing the handleXXX (propfind,option...) methods on a 
resource is enough or is there something else to do?

If you have some advices, code sample or anything else that could help it's 

Thanks for your help.

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