
some time ago I posted a question regarding Firefox content-negotiation preferences (problem: prefers XML over HTML), see here:

as you can see in the thread I was able to solve the problem (with the help of the list, thanks very much) by using the Tunnelservice and the agent.properties / accept.properties files.

I face now the same problem with Safari 3.1 for Windows. It also - per default - show the XML (only the text-content of the nodes) if there are multiple available representations and no explicit mimeType is requested (e.g. per file-extension).

The difficulty I have in correcting this behavior is that the User-Agent template provided in the agent.properties seems to be the one for Safari-2 on Mac and the new one for Safari-3 on Windows is slightly different, as you can see here:

I have been trying to modify the user-agent template in the file so that it fits the Safari3, but so far I have no luck: I must be doing something wrong and I fear I have not enough in-depth understanding of how exactly the tunnelservice/user-agent mechanism works to get this right...

and ideas/help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best regards
Ralf Bommersbach

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