Hi Rob, thanks for your support.
Unfortunatelly the web.xml has not been overwritten.
I controlled it more times and it's ok.
What can be wrong?
Did you try the sample on windows?
It seems like the gwt engine is finding something in the module.
When we perform a gwt-rpc call, we have to add a servlet entry in the module
and the gwt module in this way knows how to route the request.
When we run the gwtshell under eclipse, I saw that it starts a tomcat
It also deploys the restlet resources there in order they to be found by the
gwt engine?
My question is does the gwt shell behave as a web container and deploy the
resources (in the server folder) within it as we had created a web project
and put the restlet based application 
classes within it?
If I start the restlet TestServer component as a standaolne application and
then run the shell again it complains of an already used address and so the
server side should work well even if I can not see the TestServer's 
sytem.out statements in the console.
I read several books on gwt (gwt in practice and Pro web 2.0 .... with gwt
... and so on) and I have seen different solutions but noone clearly refers
to this particular integration with rest.
Can You please help me?

Rob Heittman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:31 AM, antoniojg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello, I imported the sample restlet-gwt project within eclipse 3.4 but
>> I'm
>> unable to connect to the restlet resource. When I click on the close
>> button
>> It complains of the following  error
>> "unable to find 'ping.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or
>> maybe
>> you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?"
> The web.xml inside your project root /tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml
> has probably been overwritten (or never configured).  GWT sometimes will
> overwrite this due to some combination of timestamps I've never been able
> to
> figure out.  (If someone knows, and can propose a workaround, I'd love to
> hear it).  This needs to have the declaration of the
> GwtShellServletWrapper
> in it (see the one in the example zip).
> Moreover has someone succeded in configuring the module to run on a real
>> tomcat instance?
> Which kind of servlet is it necessary to configure in the deoployment
>> descriptor? GwtServletWrapper should not work in web mode so
>> ServerServlet
>> should be enough? And how to pass the module information?
> Yes, just use ServerServlet to power your Restlet server side.  You need
> not
> pass the module information any more, as you'd now be running a JavaScript
> compiled version of the client side.  You cannot, to my knowledge, use a
> real Tomcat in GWT hosted mode -- I believe there are Google specific
> changes in the hosted mode Tomcat bundled with GWT.
> We'll add it to the "to do" list to add a walk thru of compilation and
> deployment options in some various production environments.
> - Rob
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=979683

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