On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:55, Xavier Méhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't know JSecurity before the previous email... It seems quite powerful 
> and interesting?

I actually hadn't known about it before I saw that RFE either, and I
had the same impression.

(As an aside: this is an aspect of the Restlet project which I really
appreciate... I was new to Java when I started using it - in fact, I
learned Java so I could use Restlet - and I didn't know anything about
the various libraries in the Java ecosystem/community - I didn't know
which libraries existed, and which had a good reputation, etc. I've
since found that the various libraries which are included with the
Restlet distribution tend to be best-in-class, or top-of-class, and
it's been very useful that Restlet has introduced them to me. I'm
specifically thinking of Jetty, FreeMarker, db4o, apache commons.)

> has someone already tried it practically?

The RFE mentions: "Tamás Cservenák has sucessfully integrated it with
Restlet in Servlet deployment mode:
http://restlet.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=discuss&msgNo=6834 " -
beyond that, I don't know. You may want to search the mailing list.

> What would be the the bottlenecks or redundencies  while  integrating 
> JSecurity with restlets?

I don't know, actually, figuring that out might be the first step in
working on this! Are you possibly interested in working with Raif on


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