Hi Taylor,
I agree with you that this is an important core feature. What about if I tell 
you that I have just committed the support for represent*() methods in SVN 
trunk? :)
Here is the new paragraph in the Javadocs:
In addition, there is a simpler way to declare your variants and return the 
matching representations. For this, you just need to add public represent*() 
methods, where the '*' is replaced by a list of extensions in camel case. For 
example "representXmlFr()" would declare two variants: one with the "text/xml" 
media type and another with the "application/xml" media type. Both would 
declare a {...@link Language#FRENCH} language. In addition, those methods must 
return a {...@link Representation} instance and accept optional input parameter 
of the following classes: {...@link MediaType}, {...@link Variant}, {...@link 
CharacterSet}. Their value is provided from the selected variant to represent. 
Note that if several media type or character set extensions are detected, they 
will produce separate variants. However, several languages or encodings will 
produce only one list for each defined variant. The list of supported 
extensions and their matching metadata is provided by the application's 
{...@link MetadataService}. If needed, this feature can be turned off by 
calling {...@link #setDetectVariants(boolean)}.
Let me know if it works for you! 
Next step is to extend this feature to accept*Representation() and 
store*Representation() methods.
Best regards,
Jérôme Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~  <http://www.restlet.org/> 
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~  <http://www.noelios.com/> 

De : Taylor Cowan [mailto:taylor_co...@yahoo.com] 
Envoyé : jeudi 15 janvier 2009 22:03
À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Objet : Re: media type adaptor


that sounds good to me.  The extent to which Restlets solves content negation 
puts it head and shoulders above servlets and other web thingies.

My two cents is that's an area of priority, in comparison with all the planned 
integrations (lucene, semweb, etc.).  Also, Cliff's comments are good ones, 
sounds like they've been doing a lot of this and went through the weeds already.



From: Cliff Binstock <cliff.binst...@coyotereporting.com>
To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 12:30:52 PM
Subject: RE: media type adaptor



Some more thoughts � from experience �


1.      Need a flag to determine if alternate representations are acceptable 
(Requester asked for HTML, but I don�t have that, and wish to return XML). 

2.      If alternate is acceptable, need a prioritized (ordered) list of 
acceptable variants (look for XHTML, then look for HTML, then look for XML).  
You should probably have a default, but it should be easy to override. 

3.      If you feel like getting into the browser nonsense (and I�d understand 
if you didn�t), bypass/translate to another type.  For example, IE doesn�t 
behave kindly to XHTML return type.  Of course, any behavior here must be 
customizable (overridable). 


Cliff Binstock
Coyote Reporting


From: Jerome Louvel [mailto:jerome.lou...@noelios.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:14 AM
To: discuss @restlet.tigris.org
Subject: RE: media type adaptor


Hi all,


We have a similar plan in the tube!


"Faciliate Resource to Representation mapping"



The idea is to dynamically dispatch the represent(*), acceptRepresentation(*) 
and storeRepresentation(*) to the more specific versions if available like:


    representXml(?) for an XML representation ("xml" being mapped in 
MetadataService like for file extensions)

    representJson(?) for a JSON representation



This would handle the dispatching automatically while still allowing a manual 
dispatching by overriding the generic represent(*) method when more appropriate 
(and for backward compatibility).


How does it sound?


Best regards,
J�r�me Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~  <http://www.restlet.org/> 
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~  <http://www.noelios.com/> 




De : Cliff Binstock [mailto:cliff.binst...@coyotereporting.com] 
Envoy� : mardi 13 janvier 2009 17:43
� : discuss @restlet.tigris.org
Objet : RE: media type adaptor



I have implemented a solution like this and I highly recommend it.  I actually 
have taken it one step further and bound the routes (and the implementation) 
dynamically:  there is very little Java code, mostly just XML-based 
configuration.  In the cases where configuration does not make sense, then I 
have subclasses that provide an implementation as your message implies.


I can tell you that you will want to pass in the request to the callback:  you 
don�t always need it, but sometimes you need some contextual information (see 
previous post about wanting the original route URI, for example).


Cliff Binstock
Coyote Reporting


From: Taylor Cowan [mailto:taylor_co...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:12 AM
To: discuss @restlet.tigris.org
Subject: media type adaptor


I'm new to restlets and would like some feedback from the community on some 
experimentation.  Instead of if/else'ing through the list of variant types and 
calling the appropriate logic, I'd like reslets to do that for me.

The example "MediaType" below is similar to the restlet version, except that 
each enumeration overrides a call back, for example, the text/html type calls 
back to handleTextHTML().

    TEXT_HTML("text/html", "HTML document") {
        public Representation callBack(VariantHandler arg0) {
            return arg0.handleTextHTML();

The application developer then extends a resource from BaseResource, and 
implements the methods they'd like to handle.  (like the AWT MouseEvent 
adaptors of old) The examples are not complete, I only implmented 4 media 
types.  The BaseResource gets the media type, converts to the appropriate 
extended MediaType, and the invokes the callback.

    public Representation represent(Variant variant) throws ResourceException {
        String mediaType = variant.getMediaType().getName();
        return MediaType.value(mediaType).callBack(this);

So to handle HTML, the developer just does this:

    public Representation handleTextHTML() {
       // here's where we respond to HTML clients.



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