Hi Priya,

There's a good chance Eirik Bjørsnøs recently identified the root of
the problem here:


He says "Setting the Content-Length to 0 on Tomcat 5.0.x effectively prevents
any other headers or status coded being set because the response is
considered to be committed according to the servlet spec."

I think 5.5 suffers from the same issue, though 6.x does not.  I can't
see an easy way to change Restlet to fix this ... Jerome, Thierry,
help?  Eirik seemed to think that just changing the order of Restlet
operations to work, but I can't think of a good way to defer setting
the content length in these cases.

- Rob

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Priya Matpadi <pr...@kodakgallery.com> wrote:
> I have successfully used restlet 1.0.10 with tomcat (5.5) container. I have 
> services that return 204 on HTTP POST and PUT, no content in body, but they 
> return cookies as set in the restlet response object.
> When I upgraded to restlet 1.1.1, I found problems in the restlet framework 
> mapping restlet response to tomcat 5.5 httpservletresponse for services that 
> return 204 response code.  This mapping is silently failing, we always get a 
> response code of 200 and the headers (including cookies) get lost. Note that 
> the LogFilter accurately displays that service returns 204, but with tomcat 
> request dumper valve enabled I verified that tomcat neither gets this 
> response code nor the headers.
> I followed Rob's suggestion, and added a dummy entity with a 204 response 
> code.
>            getResponse().setEntity(new StringRepresentation("This entity is 
> not changed", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN));
> getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_NO_CONTENT);
> And voila, the response comes out with a 204 response code with the headers 
> as expected. Also, as expected the dummy entity gets stripped out.
> We use jetty for development environment only, and this is not reproducible 
> with jetty. However, we are seeing this issue only with restlet 1.1.1. We 
> have not changed our tomcat version or settings.
> This behavior is really bizarre. We know that the dummy entity gets stripped 
> out in HttpServerConverter.commit(); then it is not making sense to me as to 
> why setting dummy entity in the response is a fix.
> > I identified the problem: Tomcat is not properly returning Responses with no
> > entity.  The two acute places this is obvious is with 304 Not Modified
> > responses and with the OPTIONS response.  Tomcat returns a 200 OK with some
> > default headers, instead of passing the correct header set and no entity
> > emerging from Restlet.
> >
> > I verified that the version of Tomcat embedded in GWT 1.4 exhibits the
> > problem, but haven't yet verified it in other places.
> >
> > The workaround (which will cause Restlet 1.1 to gripe, but works) is to emit
> > an entity anyway, when none is called for, e.g. new
> > StringRepresentation("This entity is not changed",MediaType.TEXT_HTML);  In
> > my application, I keyed this to a system property so that the non-compliant
> > behavior can be turned on only when needed.
> >
> > Someone who is more knowledgeable than I am about the Servlet extension may
> > be able to figure out if this is a Restlet bug or not.
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Rob Heittman 
> > <rob.heitt...@solertium.com>wrote:
> >
> > > In some cases Tomcat appears to swallow the Allow: header that leaves
> > > Restlet in response to an OPTIONS request.  The Allow: header of the
> > > response is populated, and I tracked it all the way down through 
> > > ServletCall
> > > and verified Restlet is doing the right thing.  But, the OPTIONS response
> > > sent to the client from Tomcat is stripped of this and other useful 
> > > headers
> > > (like DAV: 1,2).
> > >
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1019528


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