Now that I'm drinking the OSGi Kool-Aid, one of the main problems my
projects face is component reliance on the Java Service Provider model
(META-INF/services/... discovery) to find available bits.  My Google-fu is
apparently weak, because I haven't found any good, rational treatment of
what the heck to do about it.
The ones that bite me worst are:

Restlet -- using the service provider model to find extensions.

Java scripting -- using the service provider model to find available
scripting languages.

I haven't found a way (under Eclipse or Equinox) to make the
META-INF/services from one bundle visible to another bundle.  Not saying it
doesn't exist -- I'm an OSGi newbie -- but I haven't found one.  My current
workarounds involve putting way too much a priori knowledge (explicit
imports of desired plugins, manual META-INF/services definitions) into the
feature or application bundle definition.  These workarounds defeat the
whole point of OSGi pluggability, and can't go away too quickly for me.

I'm hoping that one of the more knowledgeable OSGi minds on the list has a
good idea of a better way to do this.  It seems to me like I need to create
an Activator when I bundle-ize a Restlet extension or scripting language,
and have that Activator do something useful to signal the bundle's
availability to the script engine or Restlet engine, instead of relying on
service provider discovery.

I feel like this can't be something I'm the first person to need or invent,
but I can't find any good discussions out there of successful solution
patterns.  The fact that there are a lot of different ways of implementing
the service provider model (sun.misc.Service,, hand
written jar scanning) seems to complicate the problem.

I'm very interested in anybody's thoughts on how best to handle these cases.

- R


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