On 06/09/10 13:26, webp...@tigris.org wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a web app who is divided into a "web services" and a "ui" front end.
> Actually the "ui" is made from servlets who call a business services layers 
> and my "web services" use the same business layer.
> But I wonder if it is a way to write a set of REST services for replacing the 
> old web services and using these REST for the ui too.
> Does someone have some usefull tips or experience about that ?
I have used Restlet in such fashion using the internal web connector and 
using freeMarker (or velocity) as
a way to server dynamic content from the various ressources, but I found 
it is perhaps not the proper
way to do it as you find yourself making some Rest requests uri that 
carry UI presentation options
(example choosing one template or an other for a given ressource).

So you tend to have a REST implementation of your app's ressources and a 
UI (server side)
representation to provide to the client. In this case Resltlet don't 
offer you clear advantage
over other server side provider (your java actuel java container, a 
simple ruby/python http stack
like sinatra or the like).

If you look at the View side (on the classical MVC) you could consider 
more ressources to the actual client using Restlet as the 
controled/model and making the
view (controled view) be generated directly on the browser client (e.g 
using jQery).

Then your "web services" side could provide a simple json RESTlet 
application access layer
and you'll make standalone javascript page (or server side generated 
javascript applications)
and use ajax (websockets) to talk to your Restlet App.


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