On 07/09/10 15:08, Maxime Bégnis wrote:
> Hi list,
> I would like to include in a Restlet application some resources to be
> used with the CometD(Ajax Push) framework. I didn't find any
> documentation or examples of use cases with Restlet on the internet.
> Can someone point me to a starting point, if there is one?
you could take a look at the restlet page concerning the upcomming NIO 


It sound at a moment that atmosphere (https://atmosphere.dev.java.net/)
(a good intro here : http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/06/grizzly-atmosphere)
could be a good link to have a solid comet implementation (from the guy 
who wroted grizly),
but there is a dependency on the servlet api 
that sound to be a blocking point for restlet implementation. Atmosphere 
is favoring Jersey as
the REST implementation for the server (so Restlet is less a priority 
for them I guess).

(I'm sure a lot of people in this list could give you a more precise up 
to date information
on the subject).

On my side I have dropped completly the comet side of the thing, in 
favor of a websocket
implementation outside restlet.

In a schema like :
   Reslet application <-> ruby server using event machine
                                          implementing websockets <-> 
javascript client

and I'm in the mixt of decoupling further the Reslet to ruby server 
using camel
and a message queue
(would love to use rabbittMQ on the ruby side, but java integration from 
is far more easier using activeMQ as AMQP is not yet in par with camel 
(using Qpid).

Websocket as good support in modern browsers (webkit and firefox) and 
there is a transparent proxy (using flash)
that provide the necessary implementation to Internet Explorer 7+ so 
it's a good bet now.


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