On 09/09/10 15:18, Maxime Bégnis wrote:
> Thanks Vincent for your tips. I'm looking forward to this 
> implementation of NIO.
> Regards,
> Maxime Bégnis
I looked at your Calenco projet and see that you are using Dojo
so it's true that you can favor comet instead of websocket as
dojo is far more advanced on the subject than say jQuery (which is my 

For doing comet using Restlet I'm now (regarding that I don't use jetty that
could change the deal completely I admit) pursuing the idea of having
the UI (and so the comet/websocket real time update) be done by an other
small server (Ruby based) in scheme where Restlet is used as the 
'controled model'
and the web-client subscription (done either automaticaly by bayeux 
or websocket channels) is handled by this layer. So Restlet stay in its own

In such scenarii you could have this second server having some active 
from the Restlet engine in term of a REST request that carry what URI 
this server
want to be notified of some events. The second server controling the 
will itself do the comet/websocket handshake.

like in :

  1)  [ ressources + inside/business events flow ] <--> RESTful 
interface using Restlet
  2)  comet/websocket reactor <--> Web clients

   and 2) make request to 1) like POST /uripath/<monitored 
ressource/event>/notification  with a REST Request URI that will be 
accepted by 2
   then whenever there is a ressource change or event concerning the 
'monitored' ressource 1) will just place the request (as a client) with
   a aggreed uppon paylod (for example a RessourceRef). Then 2) could 
ask for more details using your own API.

This is in par with idea like the PubSubHub[Hub] things.


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