On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Arnaud Petiteville <arnaud.ax...@wanadoo.fr
> wrote:

> Thanks again. After your first answer I Googled and found the message
> pointed by the link you joined; but I still have the same problem I do not
> know how to do this: "At startup, I remove the existing one from the Engine
> and then add my local version.".
> I use Restlet over GAE, I have a class ServerApplication that extends
> Application, I override the createInboundRoot method, in this method I can
> call this.getConverterService() which returns a list of converters. Do you
> use this list to remove and after add your local extension?
> Could you please send some code?

I use a utility method. Sample usage:

    replaceConverter(JacksonConverter.class, myLocalJacksonConverter);

Here's the code for the utility method:

     * Registers a new converter with the Restlet engine, after removing
     * the first registered converter of the given class.
    static void replaceConverter(
            Class<? extends ConverterHelper> converterClass,
            ConverterHelper newConverter) {

        ConverterHelper oldConverter = null;

        List<ConverterHelper> converters =
        for (ConverterHelper converter : converters) {
            if (converter.getClass().equals(converterClass)) {
                oldConverter = converter;


        if (oldConverter == null) {
            logger.debug("Added {} to Restlet Engine",
        } else {
            logger.debug("Replaced {} with {} in Restlet Engine",
oldConverter.getClass(), newConverter.getClass());



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