Hello Bruno,

the Rome extension is based on the Rome library, which can be found in the
"lib" directory of the zip distribution file.
Generally speaking, the list of dependencies (expressed by extension) is
available in the "lib/readme.txt" file of zip distribution file.
Having said that, I wonder if you really intend to use the Rome extension.
If not, I suggest you to remove from the classpath all useless extensions,
and kep only the essentials : the core module (org.restlet.jar), and
perharps a "server" extension such as "jetty", or "simple" as the internal
HTTP server connector (shipped with the core module) is fine for testing and
development but still unadapted for production environment. The 2.1 release
aims at providing more stable and performant internal connectors (client and
server) for HTTP.
If you want more details about the extensions, you can follow the user guide
=> http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_2.0/13-restlet/28-restlet.html

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Hi, I've just downloaded restlet 2.0.6 .zip and I'm trying to use it in
> Eclipse Helios.
> After starting the example code for the first server resource, new
> Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, FirstServerResource.class).start();, and trying
> to access the url via browser, http://localhost:8182/, an exception pops
> out:
> "AVISO: Exception or error caught in resource
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/syndication/feed/synd/SyndFeed
>        at
> org.restlet.ext.rome.RomeConverter.getVariants(RomeConverter.java:76)"
> In the rome extension from the lib folder there are only two classes:
> RomeConverter and SyndFeedRepresentation, there is no SyndFeed class indeed.
> How to fix this?
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2724414


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