I'm seeing similar behavior (leaked connections), but in a different case.
In our case we get leaked connections if the request throws an exception.

We noticed this in Restlet 2.0.11, and I just tried 2.0.14 and I see the same 

        String uri = "http://localhost:8111/account/junkoid";;
        ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(uri);
        try {
            acct = cr.get(Account.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST,
                    "accountOid (" + accountOid + ") invalid reference");

We can invoke this code repeated as long as the URI is to a good resource. But 
if the resource doesn't exist (a 404), it will hang after the 10th failure.

I've tried adding 

        finally {
            logger.debug("releasing client connection");

but it didn't make any difference.


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