Hello, I usually transmit objects between client and server, but today I want to transmet json data :) I've no problem with a GET, but I've the following error *(org.restlet.client.data.Status) Unsupported Media Type (415) - Unsupported Media Type* when I try to do a PUT (or a POST)...
Here is the client-side code : ClientResource clientResource = new ClientResource("a uri"); clientResource.setOnResponse(new Uniform() { @Override public void handle(org.restlet.client.Request request, org.restlet.client.Response response) { System.out.println(response.getStatus()); } }); JSONObject sentObject = new JSONObject(); sentObject.put("identifiant", new JSONString(identifiantItem.getValueAsString())); sentObject.put("pwd", new JSONString(pwdItem.getValueAsString())); JsonRepresentation rep = new JsonRepresentation(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); rep.setValue(sentObject); clientResource.put(rep,MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); Any idea? regards Xavier ps : generally, the examples given on the wiki or even in the book are Get request... some examples with put and post would be good too... ------------------------------------------------------ http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=3022542