and the current code is like this one :

    public void post(StringRepresentation loginRep) throws JSONException {
        Utilisateur user =
                (new Gson()).fromJson(loginRep.getText(),

2012/10/26 <>

> Hi Thierry
> I looked at your example, and actually the code differs from mine. Here is
> my code to mimic the client code :
>     @Put("json")
>     public void put(JsonRepresentation loginRep) throws JSONException {
>         JSONObject loginElt = loginRep.getJsonObject();
>         System.out.println("identifiant: " +
> loginElt.getString("identifiant"));
>         System.out.println("mot de passe: " + loginElt.getString("pwd"));
>         System.out.println("entreprise: " +
> loginElt.getString("entreprise"));
>     }
> regards
> Xavier
> 2012/10/26 Thierry Boileau <>
>> Hello Xavier,
>> I guess the issue is located on server side. I send you a sample project
>> in order to help you.
>> Best regards,
>> Thierry Boileau
>> ------------------------------------------------------


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