
The MOST important thing about being a member is not $ but rather being

Students are can get a membership for $15 a month. Non students can become
a member for $35 a month

To apply for membership you need to apply before a meeting. Get a sponsor
(someone who is already a member). And attend a meeting where the
membership can get to know you. The membership will discuss and vote and
you will have your answer that day. Next pay your dues on time and you are
a member. Super easy!

More details are here and on the wiki.

I hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Philip P. Patnode <>wrote:

> Justin,
> What are the requirements for membership?
> 1.  $35/month
> 2.  living human being
> 3.  ?
> 4.  ?
> 5.  ?
> Thanks,
> Philip
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Justin Herman <> wrote:
>> Thank you Alexander for the detailed overview! I feel your concerns are
>> just and warranted!
>> I do want to add that if you are not a member yet and on this list you
>> can help support Akron's *ONLY Makerspace *Community by becoming a
>> member. Not only can you assure that the space can grow, get new toys, and
>> offer more services to the community, BUT also help steer the space by
>> gaining voting rights.
>> We have come a long way since the inception of the group but there is
>> more to do.
>> For less than a few dinners eating out or a couple cases of beer, you can
>> help to keep SynHak alive and strong!
>> Stay Excellent!
>> Justin
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Alexander Golightley <
>>> wrote:
>>> Howdy Hakkers!
>>> The meeting with the Akron Business Accelerator Group is tonight so here
>>> is an in depth look of our finances. I realize that there are a lot of new
>>> people on the list with our most recent press in the ABJ so I will try to
>>> explain everything so everyone can understand. We want each one of our
>>> members to understand our financial situation. SYN/HAK runs on a policy of
>>> complete transparency so if I over explain things in this email I apologize
>>> in advance.
>>> We have $3426.86 at the moment. Please keep in mind that I still need to
>>> pay for one more month of internet service at our current location.
>>> We have 17 paying members right now including 1 suspended membership, 11
>>> Budding Nerds, 3 Serious Geeks, 1 Uebergeek, and 1 Benefactor. This means
>>> that we make a maximum of $905/mo and a minimum of $814.50/mo.
>>> Why do we have a minimum and maximum? Because we discount our members
>>> who pay for three or more months at a time by 10%. The maximum amount that
>>> we make is assuming no one takes advantage of that discount. The minimum is
>>> assuming every single member takes advantage of that discount. The truth of
>>> the matter is that about half of our member do this.
>>> Our board discussed before we moved into our current location what the
>>> budget should be. We, obviously, do not want to spend all of our money on
>>> rent, utilities, etc. We also need to be prepared for sudden drops in
>>> membership. The board decided that a minimum 20% buffer would suffice. This
>>> would make our current budget for rent, utilities, internet and all of that
>>> good stuff be $651.60. Right now, we spend $598.85/mo.
>>> Just to be clear, I figure out what we can afford based off of what we
>>> make minimum. I realize these are conservative estimates but I would rather
>>> make estimates that are on the low side than the high side. I don't want
>>> SYN/HAK to go bankrupt because I budgeted too much money for things like
>>> rent. The extra money that we end up making goes to things like safety
>>> equipment and other necessities for the space.
>>> If we did end up getting a place where we spend $650/mo we could lose up
>>> to 4 Budding Geek members and still stay in the black. Anymore, and I will
>>> be getting really nervous.
>>> If anyone has any other questions, please don't hesitate to reply to
>>> this email or get directly in contact with me. I will not be able to make
>>> it to the meeting tonight because I have to work but I will make sure to be
>>> checking my email obsessively so I can answer any questions in a timely
>>> fashion. You are also free to call or text me if it is very urgent.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alexander Golightley
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