On Saturday, December 07, 2013 12:16:57 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
> Justin,
> No need to identify the first SH member who first assured me that I could
> claim and make use of the HP laptop since it was in the clearly marked Junk
> Pile.
> No need to identify the second SH member who suddenly took possession of
> the laptop from me in the name of SYNHAK, since it will not serve a useful
> purpose.
> The issue is about procedures or policies at SH, not individuals.
> The whole process of donations and the junk pile should be discussed by the
> SH membership.  Solutions to the obvious problems are needed.
> Just to be clear about my intentions, the damaged/broken/messed
> up/non-working laptop I own was intended to be my first project at SH.  It
> was to be the source for a learning experience for me about laptop
> diagnostics, disassembly, repair or replacement of internal parts,
> reassembly, configuration and settings, directed online research for
> techniques and parts, plus full documentation of the project with video or
> still images and/or written notes.  I claimed the HP laptop from the Junk
> Pile as a source for much needed spare parts.
> The finished project would have been a working laptop that was built at SH
> using parts from both HP g7 series machines, with a little help from some
> of the knowledgeable and experienced people who congregate at SH.  For
> those who may wonder about the end result, the finished project would have
> been a working laptop for my personal use, not an item I would sell online.
> If anyone has questions or comments or suggestions about this issue of
> donated hardware, I suggest they bring up their concerns at the next SH
> meeting.

I will be blocking any proposal to give SYNHAK members more rights than 
already declared in the bylaws and previous proposals, unless it can benefit 
the space's mission:

* Participating in consensus
* Elections
* Holding office or board position
* Removal of board members
* Holding a key
* Use of the storage room and bins

> Philip
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Justin Herman <just...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What person in question?
> > 
> > On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Torrie Fischer 
> >> On Friday, December 06, 2013 14:54:16 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
> >> > *Suggestions for consideration by SYNHAK members -*
> >> > 
> >> > *To avoid confusion, disappointment, and wasting time on projects that
> >> 
> >> will
> >> 
> >> > never happen, I suggest that the JUNK PILE (clearly marked with a sign,
> >> > usage policy established) be separated from the RECENT DONATIONS PILE
> >> 
> >> (not
> >> 
> >> > marked, no policy) and I suggest **a formal SH policy be established
> >> > for
> >> > donations.*
> >> > 
> >> > *In my opinion, two things need to happen at SYNHAK regarding future
> >> > donations.*
> >> > 
> >> > *One*, *the SH policy* on all donations - from any source, of any kind
> >> > -
> >> > needs to be clearly stated and communicated to all members and
> >> 
> >> non-members,
> >> 
> >> > in print or by email or as added text on the SH webpage or all three.
> >> 
> >> Yeah, totes. We need to figure out something we can all agree on as a
> >> protocol
> >> for receiving donations at the space.
> >> 
> >> > *Two*,* the physical location* at SH for recent hardware donations
> >> 
> >> needs to
> >> 
> >> > be clearly marked with a sign/appropriate comments.  For example,
> >> > "Don't
> >> > Take" or "Not Available" or "Death by Laser" or "To Be Evaluated" might
> >> 
> >> be
> >> 
> >> > used to convey the message.
> >> 
> >> Huh? Thats a bit restricting. Given time, I think the recent donations
> >> pile
> >> would quickly become a second junk pile, but with people staying away
> >> from it
> >> because hacking is not allowed. I know that I don't usually sort through
> >> new
> >> donations that show up because I'm not really sure where things would fit
> >> in
> >> the space.
> >> 
> >> See also: my mail earlier this week to encourage more funds for a bigger
> >> space
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> ---
> >> 
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> --->> 
> >> > --------------
> >> > 
> >> > Here is the back story behind the suggestions.  My apologies for the
> >> 
> >> length
> >> 
> >> > and details necessary to tell the story.
> >> > 
> >> > At about 7.15pm last night, because of the delay over the turkey
> >> > cooking
> >> > experiment, I spent some time taking a casual look at the contents of
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > hardware junk pile near the entrance to the main room.  Looked at and
> >> 
> >> dug
> >> 
> >> > through lots of boxes and shelves full of stuff, all under a sign
> >> > indicating that all of it was in the correct place - the Junk Pile.
> >> > 
> >> > Much to my surprise, I found a HP g7 series laptop that was very
> >> 
> >> similar to
> >> 
> >> > the HP g7-1019wm that I had brought with me to SH last night, in the
> >> 
> >> hope
> >> 
> >> > of finding someone to help me diagnose/identify the problems and guide
> >> 
> >> me
> >> 
> >> > through the repair process.  The HP I brought is a personal laptop and
> >> 
> >> not
> >> 
> >> > an item I plan to sell on eBay or Craigslist.  It has a bad cooling fan
> >> > (does not rotate - ever), a glitchy on/off switch, and two keys damaged
> >> 
> >> -
> >> 
> >> > the K and the L, and maybe other problems.
> >> > 
> >> > A long-time full member of SH (not to be named) stopped by to chat and
> >> > discuss the situation with me.  During the conversation, he made it
> >> > very
> >> > clear that I could "claim" the donated item I found in the junk pile
> >> > and
> >> > use parts from it to fix my laptop.  He was aware that I am not a
> >> 
> >> sponsored
> >> 
> >> > member of SH, only a recent interested person who likes the concept of
> >> 
> >> SH
> >> 
> >> > and has made an effort to swim with the rolling tide.  As the turkey
> >> 
> >> frying
> >> 
> >> > situation was still developing out on the loading deck, I spent the
> >> 
> >> next 45
> >> 
> >> > minutes doing some online research about the specs for both HP laptops
> >> 
> >> and
> >> 
> >> > going through the HP support forums to read the comments about similar
> >> > problems. I was on page two of my notes when a dark cloud appeared on
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > horizon.
> >> > 
> >> > My joy of finding a possible solution to my laptop problem turned to
> >> > serious disappointment and frustration when another long-time full
> >> 
> >> member
> >> 
> >> > of SH (again, not to be named) approached and summarily declared that
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > donated item was not available to me or anyone else, but would be
> >> 
> >> retained
> >> 
> >> > by SH to be diagnosed and possibly repaired and used by SH or sold for
> >> > cash.  There was no room allowed for any further discussion about the
> >> > donated laptop. Do'ocracy in action?
> >> 
> >> Wowzers. That is highly unexcellent. Whoever did that should've heard
> >> your
> >> claim to it and understood that they can't just take things from others.
> >> The
> >> junk pile isn't the exclusive property of SYNHAK members. It never has
> >> been.
> >> 
> >> > As a non-member, with no power, no influence, no ace-in-the-hole, and
> >> > definitely no say about anything regarding anything at SH, I tried to
> >> > minimize my comments and watched as the member picked up the laptop off
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > work area where I had it and proceeded to disassemble it on another
> >> 
> >> bench,
> >> 
> >> > check out a few items, and put it back together again.  He then moved
> >> 
> >> to a
> >> 
> >> > back room, out of sight and out of reach, as if he was concerned that
> >> > it
> >> > would find a way back to the junk pile, or worse, out to someone's car
> >> 
> >> and
> >> 
> >> > disappear forever.   The series of actions by the member almost
> >> 
> >> appeared as
> >> 
> >> > if he was worried I would run off with the donated HP moment he turned
> >> 
> >> his
> >> 
> >> > back on it, although I might be entirely in error about his thoughts on
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > matter.
> >> 
> >> Nah, the back room is our member storage closet. If someone finds a
> >> donation
> >> to be useful, they'll pick it up and start hacking on it. If they've got
> >> plans
> >> for it, it goes into the storage room or gets a Do Not Hack sticker.
> >> Still
> >> though, they have no right to take it away from someone who has laid
> >> claim to
> >> it, regardless of membership status.
> >> 
> >> There are only four benefits to SYNHAK membership:
> >> 
> >> 1. You can participate in our self governance
> >> 2. You get to use the member storage room
> >> 3. An option to have a lock on a member bin in the storage room
> >> 4. Apply for a key
> >> 
> >> I'm still a bit shocked that the laptop was just taken without any
> >> discussion,
> >> *especially* for an impromptu donation that nobody else knew about unless
> >> they
> >> happened to be in the space in the last two days or were particularly
> >> observant. I would appreciate it if the person in question contacted
> >> Philip
> >> and discussed a solution.
> >> 
> >> > The names of the SH members who were involved are not essential to the
> >> > issue and are not the basis for the suggestions.   Personalities play
> >> > no
> >> > part in my suggestion to take action on the matter of donations to SH.
> >> > 
> >> >  Only turkey feathers should be ruffled, as I am not making this an
> >> 
> >> issue
> >> 
> >> > about any particular member.
> >> > 
> >> > On a final note, I would consider buying the donated HP g7 series
> >> > laptop
> >> > from SH at a reasonable price to use for parts or repair, if it is
> >> > available now or becomes available in the near future.
> >> > 
> >> > In the meantime, I will avoid even looking at anything within 10ft of
> >> 
> >> the
> >> 
> >> > combo donations/junk pile.  I don't want to get my hope up and then
> >> 
> >> have it
> >> 
> >> > dashed again.
> >> > 
> >> > Philip
> >> 
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