Just a point of order...

Per the Bylaws, Section 5.3, the membership does not decide the dues, the
board does.

Each member must pay, within the time and on the conditions set by the
board, the dues, fees, and
assessments in amounts to be fixed from time to time by the board.

So a champion needs to call a board meeting.

(PS: I am in support of having a senior discount as suggested by Philip and
interested in talking about family discounts)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Torrie Fischer <tdfisc...@hackerbots.net>wrote:

> Last night's meeting seemed to go alright, though less good than last
> week's:
> * It devolved into a series of back and forth Q&A sessions between two
> people
> waaaay too often
> * Nobody had anything they wanted to bring up after we talked about the
> wall
> I'd like to discuss two improvements to the meeting.
> First, a stack-watcher.
> The role of the stack watcher would be to catch who raises their hand first
> and ensure that everyone gets a chance to speak in the order that they want
> during discussion. When listening to discussion, I'm trying to keep an eye
> on
> the notes on the screen, watching for raised hands, making sure that nobody
> talks for too long, and trying to remember the stack of topics that we're
> discussing (i.e., start on the wall, move down into ventilation, move down
> into moving the furnace, move back up to ventilation, back up to the wall,
> down to ceiling height, etc).
> It'd be super cool if someone could play stack watcher next week. Just
> keep a
> list of who is speaking when on a whiteboard.
> Second, a programmed agenda.
> Philip and I were talking about this, regarding the fact that membership
> dues
> and senior rates haven't been brought up yet. This also ties in with the
> recent discussion about a proposal that had been brought up before and was
> still open for discussion, but nobody brought it to the meeting.
> I'd like to request that everyone adds topics that they want to see
> discussed
> or consensed upon to the next meeting's agenda before Saturday night. That
> provides a few immediate benefits:
> * Everyone knows what we'll be talking about in advance
> * Nobody has to go check the proposals page to figure out what needs to be
> talked about
> * The meeting can progress along a lot smoother
> * We don't end up like last night where we talk briefly about the few
> issues
> that anyone remembers to bring up while other issues aren't considered
> * If what you want to talk about isn't on the agenda, you can be free to
> not
> show up if you don't want to, safe in the knowledge that you won't get
> screwed
> over because your voice wasn't heard
> * Proxies can be stated more concretely than "Hey, if we talk about this,
> here's my opinion"
> To avoid any kind of competition, I'd like to have the list of topics
> projected on the screen (since it'd already be in the meeting minute
> template
> that gets edited), and we collectively decide on what we want to discuss.
> Also related to the crosspost from noisebridge-discuss@, I am looking into
> building various decision making plugins for Spiff which we can then use to
> completely remove all this proposal discussion from the meeting and put
> everyone on a solid footing instead of giving such a *huge* advantage to
> those
> who have the free time to show up on a Tuesday at 7PM.
> Thoughts, please!
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