Just a point of reflection. I have been to MANY nonprofit and committee
meetings and NOT ONE have had as detailed notes that SynHak has.

Thank you to all the participants, moderators, and recorders. The only
place I have seen better recording has been with transcriptions
(stop/replay) and court recorders (those people are crazy good)

Remember that none of us are paid to do this. :)


On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Steve Radonich IV <nesfr...@outlook.com>wrote:

> Just a few things I have to say in response to this.
> I skipped over a small section, I should have gone in and added it back
> but I forgot about it as things were going by so fast in the discussion. I
> also try my hardest to keep as close to verbatim notes as I can, and have
> had no one complain about them before. Considering the notes I took for the
> board meeting were praised by the manager at BFG as being more concise than
> their board meetings I'm pretty confident in my note taking skills.
> As Xander stated it was a discussion, as that really was my intent with
> the proposal. There was however overwhelming support for some time period
> of suspension of membership, though I don't think it affects much because I
> feel that Torrie won't be showing up much at all anymore.
> -Steve
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 00:36:12 -0400
> From: leit...@gmail.com
> To: discuss@synhak.org
> Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes from 5/6/2014
> A few things:
> 1) When you copy the template copy it from the page for that date. If you
> must copy the meeting template from the template page be sure to remove ALL
> of the formatting otherwise it is not only ugly to read but I'm sure it's a
> pain to get onto the website.
> 2) When did Will submit his application? It was not announced to the
> discuss list. Membership is a proposal you, cannot pass a membership
> application or any other proposal without announcing it on the discuss
> list.
> 3) I appreciate that many people have long winded talks but please if you
> must paraphrase or summarize include their  main talking points in the
> minutes. Though we try to have a relaxed atmosphere and avoid being
> official, taking accurate minutes not only helps us remember who said what
> and why but these are legal documents required to be kept as part of our
> incorporation.  Something like why a person wishes to join SynHak is a very
> important fact about them.
> 4) Banning, removing, suspending, or otherwise disenfranchising ANY member
> without at least attempting to utilize the already proposed community
> working group is beyond disappointing. These past few months have been
> tense and have seen lots of unexcellent behavior out of more than a few
> people who know how to conduct themselves in a civilized manner. Removing a
> person or persons does not solve the problem when the issues have spilled
> over so completely into meetings and mailing lists as they have here. There
> are some deep-seated issues that need addressing.
> Once again please read and provide input on the community working group
> proposal if you note any deficiencies.
> regards,
> Andrew L
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Steve Radonich IV <nesfr...@outlook.com>wrote:
> The meeting minutes were posted to the wiki but isn't showing up on the
> page. Can be found at: https://synhak.org/wiki/Meetings/2014-5-6
> This page is used by [[User:Phong]] to generate meeting pages. The
> structure of our meetings is defined by this template. For help, check out
> [[User:Phong/Meetings]].
> Anyone is welcome to edit this template to produce a new meeting structure
> for future meetings. Phong creates the next meeting page 8 hours after each
> meeting.
> If you do edit it, be sure you also update the [[Next Meeting]]'s page
> <phongTemplate>
> {{Infobox_meeting
> |time=7PM
> |date=$date
> |venue=48 South Summit
> |next=$next
> |previous=$previous
> }}
> This page was automatically copied from [[Meetings/Template]] by
> [[User:Phong]]. If you would like to change the structure of how meetings
> future perform, please make any modifications to [[Meetings/Template]]. If
> you would like to propose something at the meeting, send it to
> propos...@synhak.org, or bring it up at a meeting.
> = Instructions =
> * Read the instructions out loud for all to comprehend if there are new
> people present.
> * '''Delete these instructions prior to posting completed minutes'''
> * Pick a moderator and note-taker
> == Note-taker ==
> * Open a text editor to take down some '''detailed''' minutes.
> ** Detail is important. If it isn't written down, it never happened.
> * Project the minutes and notes throughout the meeting
> * Follow the instructions in the End of Meeting section at the appropriate
> time.
> * Tell treasu...@synhak.org and secret...@synhak.org if there are new
> members. If the [[treasurer]] is already present, there is no need to email
> them.
> == Moderator ==
> * Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak
> * Speak minimally yourself
> * Keep the meeting moving
> * Handle the membership voting process
> * Be sure to thoroughly follow the procedure outlined in this document, as
> the template may occasionally change without warning.
> ** The order of things is also important. We induct new members prior to
> proposals, so that they too may have a say in things.
> == Participants ==
> * Say your name the first time you speak
> * Remain on-topic
> * Remain respectful of other participants
> = Agenda =
> * '''Note Taker:''' Xander Golightley
> * '''Moderator:''' Steve Radonich IV
> == Introduction and Names ==
> Chris - Do things
> Mark Howard - Systems engineer IT dept. learning 3D printing, restore cars
> Heard about us through brother in-law
> Andy - Do electronics
> Mike - tech support
> Chris N. & Aubrey - break things
> Devin - fix his broken things
> Steve - take notes
> Will - play with numbers
> Craig - play with letters
> Justin - sysadmin
> AJ9 - help other people express themselves
> Alex - eats stew
> Becca - Forgets to make bread
> Matt - independent IT consultant, curry hacker
> Xander - dissappear
> == Announcements ==
> * Any cool new projects? Something you want everyone to know?
> * Any happenings that people should be aware of?
> Chris - Yesterday I resigned as champion so don't come to me with problems
> anymore
> Craig - Oddmall 10 May
> Alex - Derbycon, already got tickets
> Devin - I am now interim treasurer, and have help from the group
> Matt - Apartment across the hall from me is available
> Becca - Still collecting old t-shirts, they will be destroyed and made
> into something new
> Alex - Sundown rundown is May 15, I'm actually going to do a talk there
> G - National day of civic hacking, not planned for Akron yet but
> gsvolt.wordpress.com  call for help, May 31 - June 1 Knight Foundation
> wants to know if SYNHAK has something we'd want to do.
> G - Next akron linux user group meeting is an important one, maintainer of
> bash is going to be there giving a speech, I'm commiting to schedule
> language meetings, for those who want to learn or share information. June
> 5th
> Justin - Cleveland B-sides July 19th
> == Membership ==
> Anna-Jeannine Herman
> Sponsors: Rebecca Salchak
> Andy Buczko
> Craig - About Time
> Devin - Mention Torchbearer's?
> AJ9 - I'm a torchbearer :D Created to attract and retain young
> professionals in Akron
> Name: Will Schaffer
> Why: Have a voice and be a tangible part of SYNHAK's future, also be
> eligible to hold a key.
> Sponsors: Becca Salchak
> Omar Rassi
> Becca - What makes you happy?
> Will - Summer, excited to be done with school. Playing with computers,
> need to be around people that actually know about computers.
> Craig - Dog or Cat?
> Will - Cat in the winter, dog summer
> Mike - are you of drinking age?
> Will - No.
> Alex - What do you want synhak to do for you?
> Will - Mostly the infrastructure, and a knowledge resource
> Chris - What's your favorite beer?
> Will - rootbeer
> Becca - Whats your favorite dessert?
> Will - Ice cream
> Justin - What do you think you could help teach us?
> Will - Taking digital logic design, so I know a lot. Would love to teach
> stuff about that
> Mike - Interested in applying for a key, whats the biggest thing that
> would facilitate for you?
> Will - Closed a lot, would like to open it more
> Steve - Sega or Nintendo?
> Will - When I was 5 the only thing we had was Sega
> Andy - AMD or Intel
> Will - Intel
> Alex - Get more into computers, specific thing?
> Will - Programming
> Mark - What type of programming?
> Will - Working for NSA, so cryptographic
> Xander - If there is something going on at synhak and you want to make a
> change in policy how would you go about that?
> Will - Put it on discuss first then bring it up at the meeting.
> Voted in! Will has been approved!
> == Financial Report ==
> In bank: savings: $11,805.00
>      checking: $3,827.57
> == Proposals ==
> Alex - Old one I had in there about once a month Hack-a-thon
>  I propose a Monthly HackaThon. Make a dedicated day, once every month. I
> recommend the first Friday After 5PM and can carry over to Saturday
> depending on the project.
> Projects can range from, but not limited to;
> Building something unique for the space. Projects that person wants to
> create, but wants expertise he/she does not have. A project for the
> community.
> A requirement for this project to happen, is that the idea has to be
> propose in the weekly meeting. Then agreed after the next meeting with at
> minimal 3 people to partake in it. The proposal for the weekly meeting does
> not have to be in person.
> Craig - Why does this have to be a proposal?
> Alex - It's a motivator to get more hacking going on
> AJ9 - peope who aren't a member could see when they could be involed in a
> project
> Xander - My understanding is that any member could do with when they
> wanted.
> Alex - Yea
> G - have a meetup/wiki page for a community project.
> Xander - last year we did a wiki for summit county, we also did the
> mapping for all the parks in the area
> Justin - I think it's a great idea, and would like more support behind it.
> Although we have mechanisms to do this but voting on it would look good to
> the community comitting ourselves to making this happen.
> Matt - Love the idea, but does it need to be an official thing. Do a dry
> run the revisit it later.
> Alex - kinda like speakers doesn't need done every month or so but would
> be on the books.
> Becca - I think at first do we really need to make it set in stone, but
> after thought I think it might be a good idea to make it the first weekend
> of the month then it would coincide with the akron art walk.
> Xander - thinking I'm hearing a consensus that everyone likes the idea but
> do we need to make it a proposal.
> Andy - I think the proposal comes where we could help the activity with
> supplies and stuff. Might help with any costs in advertising.
> Xander - Concerns I have is who is going to be the maintainer would you do
> it, Alex?
> Alex - sure
> Justin - make motion to propose a vote
> Xander - Me too
> It passes
> Alex - For AWS access, me, craig and Justin should have it.
> It passes
> == Discussion Items ==
> Andy - Soapbox derby is going on, do we want to sponsor somebody?
> Becca - Is there someone who needs sponsorship?
> Andy - never done it before, so you help by the car, and help pay to have
> it shipped here from where they come from?
> Becca - Maybe Rob could do it if we built our own car, and sponsor him.
> Andy - Call them and get someone.
> Jusitn - Cool idea, if you're willing to do some more research into this.
> Unfortunately I don't think it's something we should get into now without
> full financial records.
> Alex - We could use the grant money
> Andy - Yes
> Xander - Get a hold of Andy if you want to get involved in this.
> Justin - Is there anyway we could come to a time period for how long we
> are going to talk about this so it doesn't go one for a long period of time?
> Xander - I have no opinion of this so I'm going to keep things from
> getting out of hand.
> Discussion of the proposal to remove Torrie from SYNHAK
> Justin - I've had personal conflicts with Torrie in the past, and we've
> not seen eye to eye. I do think the appropriate action is a period of time
> hiatus, but I don't like seeing anyone going away.
> Andy - I see her being very threatening, and seen this action before, and
> could see it happeninng here, feels she should be punished someway.
> G - I said it before and I'll say it agian, I love everybody, sometimes
> there are heated discussions, but most of these things have communication
> gaps at their core. Over time they will hopefully be healed, and they
> should work it out.
> Andy - I don't really agree with that, I see her making false claims, and
> making all of these statements online, and feel it's just a ploy to cause
> other problems. Could see her putting restraining orders based on false
> claims and it's becoming a pattern.
> Justin - i have to agree with andy
> Chris - Just on the point of restraining orders, you're the only person
> that ever said anything about a restraining order. I've been tlaking to
> Torrie on a personal level and it's never brought up. Steve when you
> proposed this are you familiar with the process? We just had a meeting
> yesterday. Is that enough of a punishment?
> Steve - First, the her being removed as treasurer only addresses her as
> treasurer, this is to address her as a member and the issue of her behavior.
> AJ9 - Talk for yourself not for others.
> Justin - Agrees, feels attacked, defamation of character, even in
> discussion forums and elswhere. Discussed him as being
> unethical/unprofessional.
> Andy - Thirty different people asked what's going on in discuss list.
> Justin - When she went on hiatus, everything quieted down
> AJ9 - She applied for membership at this time for specifc reasons. Others
> may be turned away because of those in organization.
> Steve- We need to address this. Maybe put her on suspension? Cant ignore
> the fact that she is "unexcellent". I'm not going to get over it. She's
> acting this way and it needs to be addressed.
> Justin - I'd love to see her change, but people don't. She's been
> unaplogetic. If you do something wrong; you recognize that. Not seen in
> this individual.
> Matt - Torrie is my friend. I care about her and you guys. I can't help
> agree that Torrie needs to step back for a time. She's been under a lot of
> stress that could be leading to some less-than-excellent behavior. Let's
> try not to be unexcellent because someone else is.
> Craig - I think it's too early for any proposal and things are too heated.
> Alex - Seconds what Craig says. Give her some perspective.
> Mike - I don't think any of this is punishment. It is a reaction in
> attempt to deal with this. Trying not to facillitate this behavior in the
> future. Consequences for actions.
> Becca - Concept of her not being thrown out; what do we feel IS the right
> amount of time. She's already been hiatus. What's the number?
> Xander - Sees consensus as a short period of time ban.
> AJ9 - perhaps might be appropriate in the future to pursue membership in
> the future. Torrie not being her implies lack of interest.
> Xander - Just because she isn't here doesn't mean she doesn't care. A lot
> of us can't realize how difficult it is when you started an organization. I
> helped write the bylaws and it was difficult for me. I also didn't feel
> safe here. I know you all took offense to comments about you saying
> "transphobic remarks". I've seen written words about un-education about
> being transphobic. I'd never accuse anyone of that. A little education goes
> a long way for LGBT-phobe.
> Becca - If someone comes into the space being a transphobe, we wouldnt
> know. The only way someone would be stopped from being a member is because
> of transphobic comments. Most people would block that person from becoming
> a member. Steve is NOT transphobic. I was the LGBT President at UA. Steve
> is very educated on transgendering. She was calling him a transphoe because
> of the way of a room. He has always used her preffered gender pronoun.
> Recently, she has been shoving it down our throats.
> Xander - Her birth name is NOT her legal name anymore.
> AJ9 - I have never been aware Torrie was another gender. Torrie has
> communications problems some times. Everyone needs to cool off. I don't
> think that anyone accusses me of being transphobic, but I think the way
> she's acting is nice. A group pursuing equal rights does not make being a
> jerk OK. If Synhak needs to do better concerning LGBT, we should pursue
> that, not sure if LGBT education is intertwined with transphobic - ism.
> Justin - Defaming a person is what I feel has been done. Title has been
> put out there not accurate. Difference between ignorant person and someone
> trying to offend. Say if you have an issue with a member.
> Xander - We all agree Torrie hasn't handled problems correctly. Perhaps
> CWG could have helped with problems. Maybe CWG can do a lot to prevent
> expelling a member.
> Matt - You specifically said "Torrie(her original name)" in an email.
> Explain why you did that.
> Andy - I said it because I was not sure if she has leagally changed her
> name.
> Dave - In no way did I know about her gender. When she said "I use the
> female..." She got apprehensive and mad and I understand. I have friends in
> both communities but she handled it the wrong way by not handling it in the
> family. It should be handled inside the family. Do not take issues to a
> public forum. "Airing out the dirty laundry". I feel that not revocation
> but AT LEAST 90 days suspension of priveleges would be appropriate.
> Xander - Have been talking for 30 minutes. We are talking in circles. Does
> not want to revoke membership permanently. Think of appropiate timeframe
> for proposal for this. Point of membership voting is because membership
> should agree before the board executes the plan. If the board removed a
> member before we voted, I would be upset.
> Devin - We have a shorted of champions but must have 2-4. Follow the
> template used in January? How long should it last? Nominations for
> Champion. Do we want membership to vote and then board approves it.
> Justin - Yes, I like this idea.
> Devin - I'm hoping to act as interim treasurer but there is talk of
> someone to take over. We are not satisfying our bylaws by having too few
> champions.
> Chris - All officers can appoint subordiante officers.
> Devin - Now is the time to vote for Champions.
> Matt - Volunteers to be a champion.
> Mike - Wants to nominate Chris E.
> Chris - Refuses to hold a position until CWG establoished.
> Justin - Volunteers to be a Champion.
> Devin - Seconds this.
> Xander - Champions are the representative to the public.
> Craig - nominates himself
> Devin  - Seconds this.
> Becca - Nominates Steve
> Devin - Seconds this
> Mike - thirded
> Justin - Fourthed
> Justin - Motion to close.
> Devin  - Seconds it
> = End of Meeting =
> * Delete the "Instructions" section at the top of this page.
> * Post the notes to the wiki
> * Notify treasu...@synhak.org and secret...@synhak.org about new members
> (unless they are present at the meeting)
> * Discuss any items for which there was not enough time during the meeting
> * Delete this bit of magical text, which lets [[User:Phong]] know that the
> minutes are ready for distribution to de...@synhak.org:
> <phongMinutesNotReady/>
> </phongTemplate>
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